I cant help in getting to any of the shops you mention, but I'd like to mention a few things.
I know that you are trying to go about things in a manner that you consider to be correct, but have a think.
If it is illegal to send a*r rifel parts through the post, you are asking folk to break the law on your behalf. If it is only a stock that you are after and it is legal to send those through the post, then you shuold be able to order that without any problems.
If the legislation is UK wide, then the "On-line" suppliers are likely to be going out of business soon or at least changeing their method of operation.
As a point of polite-ness, we try not to use the correct spelling of "rif*e" or "gnu" as some workplaces monitor and prevent websites with such content from being viewed for those members who like to log onto this forum at their place of work.
Ogri the trog