DIY Leather sheath advice


May 2, 2010
Kamloops, B.C.
I have recently aquired a rather special knife, however it has no sheath........I also have a 12"square piece of quality leather (it was bought by someone else as a sheath project who passed it on)

So an ideal opportunity to have a stab (no pun!) at making a sheath methinks! I have seen a few tutorials knocking about so I think I can manage the task.

So, bearing in mind I have the knife and the leather, realistically what will i need?

Obviously there will be thread but what kind and where from? (the leather is already dyed brown)
What tools would you reccommend? (I am guessing a needle, awl of some sort, hole marker, an edger of sorts?)

All info gratefully recieved and as simple as possible please!:D

Many thanks in advance



Mar 30, 2009

I'll probably get banned for this but here is some things you'll need.

Artificial sinew its nice, strong and adds a bit of contrast to the sheath,

2 Sadlers needles,

you can either use an awlblade or what i like to do is use a pr*cking iron or what i have done in the past is use an pinvice with a 2mm drill bit.

Thats it!

Don't forget to have a welt and belt loop (if your not going to have a necker)

I would make a template on card first as in the past i have gone straight to leather cut it out n realised i had cut to much and then its a waist of nice leather.

I'm sure there will be lots of people on here to give you the rights and wrong ways of doing things but this is how i do mine. :rolleyes: I could offer to make you one but where's the fun in that :lmao:

You can get your tools from either Leprevo's or Tandys.

Hope this helps, drop me a PM if you need any advice.

ATB and good luck
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Mar 30, 2009
if your using leprevo, go for size 2 needles n tandys go for the stitiching needles.

A welt is a piece of leather between the seam line of the sheath, you glue it between the two edges and after its dried you sew through the lot.


And it should look like this

*disclaimer, not my images, found them on google, im at work you see*

It protects the thread from the knife edge on entry and exit.

Hope this helps


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