Day upt woods - pics


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
The boys and i had a quick trip up my woods today, main purpose of the trip wa sof course to have fun, but i also collected loads of green hazel for a fee projects i have on the go and for some stuff that i will be doign in September of this year, decided to collect the wood today and let it dry a bit a home first, rather than a made rush a week or so before the thing looking for suitable materials.

Anyways back to it, we went back to our normal pitch in the woods, eldest wanted to try a slightly different set up for his hammock, just for his own piece of mind, he likes it, so i guess all is well?.


general view of the site we use.


woodpeckers nest, or rather what is left of it, the birch tree it is in until recently was leaning against another tree, i guess the strong winds we had recently were enough to topple it?


lunch, home made dehydrated spag bol


8 minutes later


bit of fun this, a green hazel stick of about thumb thickness that peeled just like an orange, ive often done this with Willow and Sweet Chestnut, but not seen it come off a Hazel stick quite like this before


this WILL become a bowl or Kuksa, it can stay attached to the tree until such time that im ready for it though


Honeysuckle, is this not one of the most amazing flowers?


eldest falling off the log


now can anyone explain this?


Big areas of flattened greenery, but only Dogs Mercury, we thought at first it might have been Deer laying there as the stems are laying flat and we do get a a lot of deer in these woods, but upon closer inspection the stems are not broken, plus in the middle of the flattened areas there are still examples of other plants like Cuckoo Pint and indeed single nettles still standing as tall and straight as they can be, there again why would the deer only lay ont he Dogs Mercury in the first place?, but, not all the Dogs Mercury is laying down flat, there are areas that border the flattened bits that are still standing upright and look, as do the flattened ones, perfectly green and healthy for the main part - any ideas?.


hopefully going back up on Friday - cant wait.


Dec 15, 2005
Lovely pics mate, looks a fine day out again

Not sure about the flattened down foliage, could it have been strong gusts of wind maybe, it looks pretty sheltered in there though so I'm guessing not. That last piccie looks like it's laying down in all directions, I wonder if something like a badger or boar could have pushed it down whilst it's snouting about.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Lovely pics mate, looks a fine day out again

Not sure about the flattened down foliage, could it have been strong gusts of wind maybe, it looks pretty sheltered in there though so I'm guessing not. That last piccie looks like it's laying down in all directions, I wonder if something like a badger or boar could have pushed it down whilst it's snouting about.

We thought it could be animals, but it doesnt account for single nettles to be still standing in the middle of the patch, un damaged, dare say we will figure it out eventually, it did it last year as well.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
May sound silly, but could it be down to the light, does the flattened area follow the track of the dappled light through the canopy?

Dont think so, as some of the flattened areas are in direct sunlight, the edge between standing and flat is fairly well defined as well, dunno, will keep an eye it, we are back up there tomorrow so i'll have a good look see to see if you might be onthe right track - keep yer posted

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Cool, I was just thinking that if there are parts of ground cover that doesn't have to strain to reach the light coming through the tree tops, it may well just grow as a ground crawler? things like nettle grow up any way which would explain why they are up right.

EDIT: just to add , great pics, I'm really interested in your dehydrated spagbol? do you cook it complete then use a dehydrator for the whole lot?


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Cool, I was just thinking that if there are parts of ground cover that doesn't have to strain to reach the light coming through the tree tops, it may well just grow as a ground crawler? things like nettle grow up any way which would explain why they are up right.

aye it's strange one, explanation is probably so simple though, thing is though, as well as the nettles there is Cuckoo Pint & Spurge growing through the Mercury that's not damaged in anyway shape or form, i'll get some pics tomorrow if i remember.

EDIT: just to add , great pics, I'm really interested in your dehydrated spagbol? do you cook it complete then use a dehydrator for the whole lot?

Exactly that, the spagbol was leftovers from dinner one day last week, so i put it in the dehydrator and dried it out, just cooked in the normal manner as you do then dried and reconstituted yesterday, cheaper than buying it, weighs nothing and having made it yourself, you know what's in it, got some scrambled egg with red peppers and ham going at the moment in the dehydrator for brekkers or lunches when we are out.

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Brilliant! i'm going to have a look at one of those jml vacume packers, to use a boil in the bag maker, wonder if how long a dehydrated meal would last if vac packed after drying? non refridgerated in your pack?


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