Day in the woods - pic heavy


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Went for a day trip up the local woods today, really nice day out in the late Autumnal / early Winter sunshine, a few pics from the day



It's err a bit steep round here


Got to a nice spot in amongst the Ash & Sycamore trees, was sat there on a fallen log just taking in the surroundings, listening to the bird song and heard a crash behind me, turn my head every so slowly to see three deer just standing there watching me, unfortunately i spooked them in the process of trying to get my camera out of my leg pocket, but they didnt run far thankfully, only managed one very poor photo of the deer, you can just about make it out more or less dead centre in this blurred shot, which ive had to enlarge from the original


Soon after i took the above photo they disappeared, so i tried a bit of tracking to see if i could establish where they had been and where they might have gone to

a few tracks were evident



as well as some fresh poop



also found a tree they had been using to rub against


and a few with score marks in them from their antlers


once id finished tracking, btw i never did find where they went nor did i see them again, it was time for a cuppa, there are loads of cramp balls up in these woods


so i collected a load and used them as an impromtu charcoal in the cooker unit of my crusader set


Although the time taken to boil the water was quite long, ok very long, anyway i was up here to enjoy myself and was in no rush.

After my cuppa i had another look round the woods to see what i could see, few wood peckers flying around, lots of small song birds, Robins etc, found a few shrooms


and some early catkins


did a bit of carving, got a handfull of spoon blanks to finish off now


Time was starting to get on a bit and the shadows were getting longer, so headed out and made my way back home



Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Thats a GB Mini Hatchet, i normally only use it for carving as it realy is too small for much else imo, you would be better off with an SFA or similar for regular use, ie splitting, limbing etc.

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Very nice. I was out today for a couple of hours before dark getting together the makings for a shelter. Not as nice weather as what you had though!
Looks like a nice trip out. Great photos, thanks for sharing! It does look a bit steep around there Before I figured out how to turn the darn beeper off on my camera I spooked sveral deer that snuck up on me and vise versa. Let me see if I have this right..., in the UK you can carry a small axe out into the bush but a knife with a five inch / 13 cm blade will get you thrown in jail?


Apr 14, 2008
Looks like a nice trip out. Great photos, thanks for sharing! It does look a bit steep around there Before I figured out how to turn the darn beeper off on my camera I spooked sveral deer that snuck up on me and vise versa. Let me see if I have this right..., in the UK you can carry a small axe out into the bush but a knife with a five inch / 13 cm blade will get you thrown in jail?

No...Im pretty sure that carrying the axe will get you arrested too mate. In this country you are not even allowed a metal comb!!



Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Let me see if I have this right..., in the UK you can carry a small axe out into the bush but a knife with a five inch / 13 cm blade will get you thrown in jail?

Not quite, either would probably make a bit of trouble for you as they are fixed blades, thankfully it's a rural area around where i live and the coppers, at least those with any sense, would realise why you had it with you, even then i keep the axe & knife in the main compartment of my pack until i get to where im going, just saves any agro from joe public
That's sort of the same approach I take here. I've never been fined or jailed over having my knife on my side...just told to put it back in the truck a few times. So now I opt to keep it in my pack but that IS technically illegal as it is considered a concealed weapon then but as you say it avoids agro, and if you don't do anything stupid no-one is ever the wiser....yet.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.