Crafty Christmas gifts and birthday presents

Feb 10, 2008
Way out West
Having been somewhat brassic leading up to Christmas I decided i would rather make peoples gifts wherever possible this year.

First off is a bit of nautical inspired pyrography. This wasnt a planned piece but more of a doodle that evolved if that makes sense.

This is pigment paint on my walnut dyed braintan which was laced into a little hazel "tanning" frame. I used titanium white, yellow ochre and home made black ochre.

Next up is a little polymer clay owl i sculpted for my mum. the wing and tail feathers were all idivually sculpted. The antique copper effect was achieved using acrylic paints. starting with a green undercoat which i the progressively lightened over insueing drybrush layers. Then a layer of copper to finish it off.

Finally a little quillwork turtle on a smoked brain tan shot pouch. I used madder, cochineal and logwood natural dyes. Rosette work like this is very fiddley. The turtle was completely freehand


Feb 17, 2011
Those are fantastic, very nice work. Really like the quillwork on that pouch, and the braintan buckskin painting is a great idea in the frame. Sweet work :)


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Very nice indeed - some very fortunate family members to get such gifts; you must have put an awful lot of time into those!
Feb 10, 2008
Way out West
Thanks for the kind words guys. For the pigment paint I currently use egg tempera. You separate and egg discard the white. roll the yoke around in dry hands for a few seconds until the yoke is dry enough for you to split the membrane. This leaves you with just the yoke itself. I then add a little distilled vinegar to stop it souring to quickly. then when the times comes to use it add a little water to some pigment until you get a smooth firm paste then add the tempera until it reaches the right consistency for you. The glossiness of the paint is governed by the ratio of water to tempera. the more tempera the glossier the resulting paint.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.