cooking utensils


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Jun 1, 2007
"I won't have a Spydi"
i am thinking of purchasing some cooking equipment(stove pots pans etc) there are a lot on the market some cheap some expensive can anyone give me advice. i like to travel light 60 litre ruc would be the biggest i would carry.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
My advice is to buy a 16cm billy can. They are damn near indestructible, there is nothing on them to break and they can be used on a stove or an open fire.

I love my 16cm one because while it takes up a lot of room in my pack, it is a pack its self and can be used to transport a load of stuff that you may not want in the main part of your pack.

As long as you fill it with stuff you're taking anyway (brew kit etc) it doesn't take up any room.

The only thing I would do is replace the handle with a wire one so it packs easier... this took me years to get around to though so it's something I can live without.

Other than that, I take a knife for food prep (it's an EKA folding knife) so my main sheath knife can remain covered in gunk while I have some food... I also take a spoon... I have some I made, a titanium one and a bone one... they all do the same job and it's usually a flip of the coin as to which one I take.

That's about it... My advice is to try things out... this is my preference and isn't the same as everyone elses, I have tried a load of other stuff and keep coming back to this... I'm sure I'll try stuff in the future too... maybe something will be better than this for me... I look forward to finding out.




Jun 6, 2006
Wyre Forest Worcestershire
Not a reply but another related question.

I'm looking for suitable containers for salt, sugar, spice etc. In the past I’ve used film containers (not very succesful) and medicine bottles what do other folks use, I usually try to carry sufficient for 4 days.



Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
I purchased an MSR alpine kitchen set for extended trips... comes with loads of containers, big spoon, spatula etc... I've used it more on extended climbing trips more than shrafting but there's a little round mesh sided bag that comes with it... in that, I keep some OXO cubes (brilliant crushed up over hot rice), a little cooking oil, a little washing liquid, washing sponge thingy and the little salt/pepper container that comes with the MSR set.

It's expensive and not very shrafty but the individual items are really quite nice.



Green Dweller Beloved

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Feb 6, 2007
Not a reply but another related question.

I'm looking for suitable containers for salt, sugar, spice etc. In the past I’ve used film containers (not very succesful) and medicine bottles what do other folks use, I usually try to carry sufficient for 4 days.


Don;t mean to hijack the thread on cooking utensils, but I use plastic resealable bags for this kind of stuff. You can get loads of different sizes off eBay.


Jun 6, 2006
Wyre Forest Worcestershire
Hi Green Dweller

Was not my intention the title jogged my memory.

As for suggestions, I use a SS cat food bowl as a plate about 8" diameter 1" deep, steep sides means that dinner does not escape and stainless steel is easy to clean and very near indestructible.

Thanks for the suggestions, really like the swiss-spice container.



Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
- I got a PM about something I said... think I worded it badly... for clarification, here's what I said:

I also take a spoon... I have some I made, a titanium one and a bone one​

Here's what I intended it to mean:

I also take a spoon... I have some I made, I also have a titanium one and I also have a bone one.​

I don't know the foggiest thing about working titanium.

for any confusion :eek:

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005

Given the nature your question I assume (perhaps wrongly) that you haven't done much of this before (or you would already have your own views). My advice then is to get a Swedish Army Trangia. It includes a Billy with Lid, Stove (meths type) and Windshield. If you want to cook on fires, you can or if they aren't permissable you have the stove. The lid can be used as a fry pan or mug or plate. Add a spork and your pocket knife and you have everything you need for about £10



Need to contact Admin...
Jun 1, 2007
"I won't have a Spydi"
Its been a while since i have Red, am getting back to it have a trangia have had it for some time thought i would get some advice on other kit there is so much out there cant believe how much stuff there is in some out door shops now times have changed.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Yep. Plenty of fancy stoves out there but as you have a Trangia you will know how bomb proof they are. Given your space requirements I think you will struggle to beat what you have - two pans and a frying pan, stove and windshield in a package that small is hard to beat.I can fit a small cleaning pad, old miniature shapoo bottle with washing up liquid, spork, spatula etc in with a little care. You can even fit in one of those folsing cups easy enough. So no plate or bowls required - you already hae them in the frying pan and spare saucepan. I've used min on fires too.

Are you planning to cook over a fire? If so then a different arrangement might be better, but for general use, a Trangia is hard to beat

Lots of guys here use Optimas or MSRs, Gas has its devotees too. If you are carrying the stuff rather than base camping changes the equation (I tend to use GAs for convenience base camping, A Dutch Oven base camping if fires are okay, Billy cans and a fire if thats okay and I have to "pack in" and a Trangia where I'm carrying and fires are out. But thats just me!

I also use a little self sealing gas cooker for bimbling around



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