I think the problem is that the Soviet Union, before, during Perestrojka and after the breakup, is a very controlled and secretive state.
All through the history of that country/countries, they have sown huge amounts of disinformation, including 'no information'.
To get any truthful info today is virtually impossible.
People in western Europe do not understand, and will never understand, how it was living during that time, the fear if you said or disclosed anything that went against the 'official line', or even a 'possible official line'. You could not even say anything that could remotely be seen as a criticism of the ' perfect Socialist State".
Sweden has had a state of art treatment for Leukemia, specially juvenile Leukemia. Still has today.
Between 1989 and early 1990' Sweden offered free treatment for children affected by Chernobyl, children that had badly affected health. Once in Sweden, many were diagnosed with a kind of 'pre Leukemia', most had changes to the Thyroid gland. most had problems with the digestion, many adolescent boys had changes to the hormonal levels.
Sweden took in somewhere between 500 and 1000 children and teenagers.
My business partner is very active in a specific Protestant church in Sweden, and this church organization asked their members if they could help these patients with everything they could. During and after the medical treatments in the major hospitals, that church organized a kind of camps all around Sweden, to give them better nutrition, love and care.
At the same time, the church organized that the kids received Dental care, psychiatric, psychologic, anything you can think of.
As my business partner took care of the group spending time in our area, 100 children about and 8 helpers, I of course 'did my bit' too. We saw all of them, and did everything we could to help them.
Apart from the dental and oral bit, we and our families joined them in the weekends. Most involved did.
Apart from the medical problems treated in hospitals, we saw precancerous changes on the facial skins, radiation derived light burn scars, malformed teeth, erupted and non erupted, horrifying stuff.
Several children, born just before the catastrophy, were really, really ill and were wheelchair bound.
I now what we saw. I know what the helpers old us.
It is fantastic series. But it does not show the truth. The truth is far more horrific than people think.
Many, if not the majority, of those children are dead.
Doing quite a lot of surgery on them, I had to speak to the other medical specialist, and liaison treatment. In many cases I was old to do as little as possible, basically no surgery, as the prognosis ofthese children was very bad, they had uncurable problems,
I am certain somebody will think I am making this up. Think what you want.
Since 1995 they organize yearly summercamps for children from affected areas in todays Ukraine in the same area where I used to live.
Good food, less radiation, medical and dental care.