Cheap accomodation around Bodmin

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
EdS... Me and Janie would be up for a beach forage if your coming down...:)
John.. Would love to meet you, so if your up for a pint or a meal out one evening, give us a bell... 0seven971seven28086.. If your over Looe way we can knock up something for you one evening if you like...
Just spoke to Janie and she says forget bodmin, get down to St Ives, its all going on around there... Personally I highly recommend the Minack theatre. We recently saw War of the Worlds there and it was amazing.. Janie recommends the Barbara Hepworth museam in St Ives....

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
EdS... Me and Janie would be up for a beach forage if your coming down...:)
John.. Would love to meet you, so if your up for a pint or a meal out one evening, give us a bell... 0seven971seven28086.. If your over Looe way we can knock up something for you one evening if you like...
Just spoke to Janie and she says forget bodmin, get down to St Ives, its all going on around there... Personally I highly recommend the Minack theatre. We recently saw War of the Worlds there and it was amazing.. Janie recommends the Barbara Hepworth museam in St Ives....

Cheers Mate!
I will give you a bell when I am in the area!
See you soon

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
My thanks to all who helped make my first holiday in 29 years a great success!
With the help of mrmbers from this site (you know who you are!) I was able to enjoy a holiday with my wife where we had great accomodation for reasonable prices, saw a mass of great stuff from prehistoric to Victorian buildings, natural wonders to Military museums, walked miles every day and met some great folk!
It felt realy wierd not taking gear to test, not writing notes for walks articles, or interviewing people for magazine articles (the kind of stuff I normally do while my wife has a holiday while we are away from home together) but the holiday was planned as just that - a holiday!
Actually you could call it a rather delayed honeymoon as our real honeymoon 29 years ago was spent house - hunting in Wales!
I did manage to sneak a bit of charity shop hunting in an got some bits to convert into bushy gear, and I visitted Endicotts on the drive home (where I was recognised despite never having been before....such is fame...) so bushy bits did sneak into the holiday....
Thanks to you all especially Rhoda, JonnyP and Janie.
This site has the nicest folk on it!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Just back

Most of the first week waas taken up with wedding stuff -the joy of been best man. Got a bit of walking.

Second week more chilled - some walking and hedge row eating around St Justs and a few days surfing.

High light (appart form eventually get my mate hitched) surfing with dolphins at sunset in Sennen Cove.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.