Canada Geese cull, Windermere.

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Full Member
Aug 4, 2008
South Yorkshire
Anyone planning any canoe trips on Windermere this spring, please be aware.:canoe:
Rangers from the Lake District National Park Authority will be carrying out a cull of Canada geese on Windermere to balance the ecological damage the species is causing to the area. The proposed cull is 200 out of the 1000 birds on the lake.

Disruption should be minimal however some restrictions may be in force for lake users
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I,m not tree hugger or anything like that but i can,t see how wiping out 200 geese will preserve the `natural` enviroment of windermere !! Maybe wipe out 200 boats or flatten the shops -that might bring the `natural` balance back a bit -tis the humans thats wrecked the natural enviroment in the lakes not the geese !!!
Canada geese are grazers and have poor digestive systems. The grass they eat is quickly passed through their stomachs, so they produce a poop every 6 minutes.
1000+ birds = lots of poop.
The poop contains harmful bacteria that can infect fish stocks, wildlife and reed beds (causing bank erosion) It contributes towards toxic algae blooms on the water, and transmitting diseases.
British Canada geese are non-migratory and will stay in an area trampling the nesting sites of other bird species. There is little natural predation of the birds, so a cull of 200 birds will protect other species and reduce overpopulation and disease within the geese.
Check the link i posted and contact if you have any recommendations to to which shops you want flattening.
These geese have been a problem all over. At Center Parcs (ok not everyones cup of tea! but the wardens there DO try to provide a good environment for the wildlife), they have hed terrible trouble with the geese. Not from the customers point of view, but the other wildlife.
They end up doing there culls at night as they always get someone complaining of nice little birds being killed.
I,m not tree hugger or anything like that but i can,t see how wiping out 200 geese will preserve the `natural` enviroment of windermere !! Maybe wipe out 200 boats or flatten the shops -that might bring the `natural` balance back a bit -tis the humans thats wrecked the natural enviroment in the lakes not the geese !!!

I have a friend in Canada and he was telling me about some parks that become 'no-go' areas with these geese. Manay millions arrive and the mess it unbelievable!!
The wardens have to clear many tonnes of poo to clean up after they have migrated.
They have a larger version of the problem every year.
Yes humans unbalance things, but so do other animals that have no natural predators.


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