Camp Long John @ Badgells wood, kent

Barney Rubble

Sep 16, 2013
Rochester, Kent
Hi all, just spent two great nights in the hammock at Badgells wood campsite in Kent. There has already been some trip reports from this campsite which praised the site and I have to concur with those views. It's a nice location run by some nice people who really couldn't do enough to help you. I likened the site to a small centreparcs accept you have no luxury cabin or facilities (in other words it's perfect!!). What you have is a nice woodland (largely made up of coppiced chestnut) which, despite being fully booked, succeeded in making you feel like you were the only group on the site.

Upside down fire


The weather made for an interesting experience as it rained steadily from 11am on Friday (just as some of us arrived) through to 6am the following morning. And then during the Friday night weather warnings were issued for strong winds in the area. Suffice to say it didn't make for ideal camping conditions. But we weren't going to let that stop us, raining is training!!

There's always some positives to take when the weather gets like that, you can test gear and listen to the soothing pitter patter of rain on tarp. I'd just bought a new snugpak tarp and knew it was going to get a good test and was very pleased with it. Not only did it keep me dry but it also offered some living space to sit and attempt to dry some gear. Perfect for the british summer and autumnal months that will soon be upon us.

We didn't really do much that day other than try to stay dry but there's always a good feeling to be had from not letting the elements get the better of you! The wind definitely started to blow in the evening though and, as a hammocking novice, I slept very nervously while listening to the chestnut trees clatter against one another overhead. We survived though and woke up to a pleasant Saturday morning. The bacon butties were to die for and then we set about adjusting our tarps for the fairer weather (porch mode!) and tweaking the hammock to ensure an even better sleep for the second night (best nights sleep ever!)

I'll be honest and say that while i normally like to go camping with the aim of completing a mini project (carving, bread making etc). On this occasion there wasn't a whole lot of bushcraft being practiced, just weather protection and relaxation. All in all it was a good camp and I can't wait to get back to badgells wood for another camp out. Oh and this was my second trip using the hammock and I'm finding that the sleeping experience just gets better and better, I actually look forward to having a sleep now!!
My setup with new snugpak all weather shelter:

Camp mates setups, favouring the hennesey hammocks:


Take a peek outside of the woods and this is the view you get:

My hobo stove, very happy with how this is working:

Can't wait for the next camp now!
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Full Member
May 27, 2008
Sounds like a good relaxing time despite the weather !

It is a great place for hammocking and as you say, not overly commercialised, plenty of space to spread out.

Cheers, Paul


Full Member
Jan 10, 2009
rochester, kent
Great write up again Barney as usual.I think if we can deal with that weather at the weekend we can deal with anything,looking forward to going back there again,an autumn camp there would be awesome.Here's to the next one.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.