Bushcraftuk.com seems less and less populated nowadays.. :(


Full Member
Oct 30, 2003
See now I'm going to have to search to find what this rooster method of axe sharpening is :)
Personally I think this is a great forum, and along with edge matters I'm covered for most of my wants bar shaving!
I've been reading with interest the thread on kuksa oiling as I have had the same issues, but I've drunk so much black coffee red wine white wine whiskey rum etc out of it that its no longer an issue and the inside is almost black.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Sorry you feel that way but i feel more people have been put off forums by being flamed about not using the search function and ridiculed.
Another aspect is people dont need to join the forum to search for any info,especially when google gives answers from multiple sources.
Anyway,take tare dude...i'll get my coat
I have no memory of anybody being flamed here, whether to do with the search function or not; I certainly have no recollection of anybody being ridiculed, quite the opposite. Most folk here seem to me to be always ready, nay eager, to help others out with good grace and useful advice even when sometimes they might be asking a question that's been posed umpteen times before.

I can't speak as regards other forums, never having been a member of any others, but I've always found this one to be a friendly, civil and decent place to be and I'll support it through any troughs it may encounter as well as enjoying the peaks which will, in their turn, surely come around again.

Mr Wolf

Full Member
Jun 30, 2013
Sorry, but we can't. It's an Admin function on this new forum.
I can ask Admin to freeze your account though.

I'm curious now; why do you want your account 'killed' ?
If you feel so badly of the forum, just wander off and don't visit until the notion strikes you again.

I dont feel badly of the forum...just miss the earlier days.
Ban/freeze..either or will do


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
Mods can you kill my account pls

I hope that's a joke; this is a discussion and different people have different views - we can't agree all the time. You're more than welcome to express your views but, because it's so difficult to apply a light hearted tone or get the right context over in the typed word, I find it's best to use terminology such 'I think it's this way...' or 'in my view this is the problem ...' or 'I don't see it quite like that ...' etc. I am guilty, like most, of rattling a response off in haste after a bad day or one too many glasses of malt that has been badly worded or misunderstood and taken the wrong way and I've received criticism for it but, on the whole, this family is worth sticking with (in my opinion :) ).
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Apr 16, 2009
Mods can you kill my account pls

Why not scramble your password, don’t log in, etc? Getting all sulky and announcing your distaste in public is ridiculous. If you really don’t like BCUK, don’t visit.

Please don’t take this as any personal insult, I haven’t read your posts apart from this thread, I just don’t like to see this sort of self indulgent drama. Particularly given the content and title of the thread.

Mr Wolf

Full Member
Jun 30, 2013
I hope that's a joke; this is a discussion and different people have different views - we can't agree all the time. You're more than welcome to express your views but, because it's so difficult to apply a light hearted tone or get the right context over in the typed word, I find it's best to use terminology such 'I think it's this way...' or 'in my view this is the problem ...' or 'I don't see it quite like that ...' etc. I am guilty, like most, of rattling a response off in haste after a bad day or one too many glasses of malt that has been badly worded or misunderstood and taken the wrong way and I've received criticism for it but, on the whole, this family is worth sticking with (in my opinion :) ).
No chief not taken things personally at all.

Mr Wolf

Full Member
Jun 30, 2013
I just don’t like to see this sort of self indulgent drama. Particularly given the content and title of the thread
Fair enough, just a polite request for an account kill.
The good old days are gone, but have fond memories and a spyderco bushcraft from here.
Take care folks


Apr 16, 2009
Bad week.

We all get them, life stuff. I’ve had a fair share (I’d consider it more than a fair share, but who am I to know?) over the past few years and not always posted well. Have a break maybe, just dip in and read whatever suits at the time?


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I rather take umbrage at that. We're not guilty of pointing at folks and saying, "Use the search!!", we know just how bad our search is on such a massive data base. We're generally more inclined to answer the question and perhaps politely add a link to the most relevant thread that we can mind (there are usually multiples, especially since the forum is 15 years old) and if that fails, then we all know to google the question and add bushcraftuk.com into the search bar too, and google will find the relevant threads for us :cool:

I've certainly been grateful when some of y'all have linked previous threads for me.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Just the other day, for the first time ever, I opened a page on the net and got the message that the site wasn't available in my country.
Felt most disconcerting.
I had no idea why I couldn't access it (something to do with plants) and it got me wondering about world wide searches. We rather take it for granted that if it's out there we ought to be able to access it. Then I thought about the wonders that are search engines, and the number of robots that scan the sites that I mod.

Thing is though; the robots don't talk back to us, they don't post, they don't join the conversations, they don't offer helpful suggestions, they don't offer experienced advice, they don't encourage/ commiserate/ socially engage with us (even in this virtual campfire).

So, don't be a robot :D

Mr Wolf

Full Member
Jun 30, 2013
Just the other day, for the first time ever, I opened a page on the net and got the message that the site wasn't available in my country.
Felt most disconcerting.
I had no idea why I couldn't access it (something to do with plants) and it got me wondering about world wide searches. We rather take it for granted that if it's out there we ought to be able to access it. Then I thought about the wonders that are search engines, and the number of robots that scan the sites that I mod.

Thing is though; the robots don't talk back to us, they don't post, they don't join the conversations, they don't offer helpful suggestions, they don't offer experienced advice, they don't encourage/ commiserate/ socially engage with us (even in this virtual campfire).

So, don't be a robot :D
Thats happened to me a lot....cookies,instead of the disclaimer continue,some sites have gone the nope you aint coming in route


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
Thing is though; the robots don't talk back to us, they don't post, they don't join the conversations, they don't offer helpful suggestions, they don't offer experienced advice, they don't encourage/ commiserate/ socially engage with us (even in this virtual campfire).

Not yet, but it won't be long before you won't be able to tell if the post is from AI or a human :) - the capability is almost certainly already there. Worrying? I don't think so, I've got more urgent things to worry about.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
direwulf ? if that's as 'abrasive' as you get, then you're fine. Really you are.
You didn't do a melt down and throw the rattle, you didn't rip threads to pieces, you didn't have a mega tantrum and leave an unholy mess and upset people behind.
I reckon you just had a really bad night/week.

I hope things improve; personally I find an hour or two outdoors helps immensely. Even if it's just shoveling compost, let alone getting a ramble in the woods, it's good for us.



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