I don't know if anyone has done a thread like this, but I've been meaning to do something like this for a good while.
I'm retired now and have no out going other than food and utility bills, not well off, but comfortable.
I've bought quite a few bits and pieces from China, tarps, hammocks, knives, cooking gear and the like quite cheap, postage can take up to 3 weeks, but at these prices, I'm not in a hurry. I'm proposing to review the said items on my trips out, starting with Northwood this Bank Holiday weekend, I'll lets the guys there know what I'm doing and if they want to help or try some of the gear, all the better.
The reviews will probably be good, fair or carp, I'll put a link to each item what ever the out come so you can have a look and buy or avoid.
Hope this may be of some help to those with not many pennies.
Rev G
I'm retired now and have no out going other than food and utility bills, not well off, but comfortable.
I've bought quite a few bits and pieces from China, tarps, hammocks, knives, cooking gear and the like quite cheap, postage can take up to 3 weeks, but at these prices, I'm not in a hurry. I'm proposing to review the said items on my trips out, starting with Northwood this Bank Holiday weekend, I'll lets the guys there know what I'm doing and if they want to help or try some of the gear, all the better.
The reviews will probably be good, fair or carp, I'll put a link to each item what ever the out come so you can have a look and buy or avoid.
Hope this may be of some help to those with not many pennies.
Rev G