Books on surviving difficult times?

Can anyone recommnend some good books on how to suppliment your household in harder times?

I'm not looking for books by hardline patriots but pragmatic and level headed ways in which we might look at the way we live (based upon a life in this country) and maybe be a bit prepared for some harder times. I know there is lots of lively discussion on this site at times by some very informed people who already live at a near sustainable level, have any of you got your own heroes who inspire your living choices?

I don't really subscribe to the end of the world hypothesis or impending implosion of modern society but do work in local government where my collegues are falling thick and fast and have a young family at home.

Would love to hear your suggestions.



Full Member
May 8, 2008
That's a very good question. We've got a few general books on self reliance, money saving etc but I'm not sure I could recommend one particularly so I would also be very interested in hearing suggestions.

What's sort have knowledge have you already got? I could recommend a book on gardening for example, and if you have the space that springs to mind as one of the best ways to save some money by growing your own.


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