Beautiful day!!


Sep 16, 2008
east yorkshire
Hi folks

What a stunning day out there I took my dogs out for a walk this morning left the house at 7am and all I can say is its days like this that just make you sigh and be glad your here. Saw deer ( a small herd of 5) 2 huge Hares , Heron and Kingfisher. Tried a few Hawthorne flowers and the younger leaves the scent is lovely also.

I even had a go at fire by friction with a bow drill using some Hazel I just cant seem to get the hang of it but its fun trying I will crack it one day. I was at the NEC outdoor show on the Saturday and picked up a new type of saw, imagine a Bikechain type blade that sort of coils up into a flat disc about 2" x 3" with 2 very comfortable pastic handles on (ill try to post some pictures later) each end.Anyway its a fantastic piece of kit sawed thru some fair old size old logs about 5 or 6 inchs in diameter in no time.

All in all was just a nice relaxing morning its certainley set me up for the week ahead anyway.

Have a lovely day people!:) :) :)


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