Beans and more beans and tuna

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Hugh Fairlee Unstable. Yes, I’ve called him myself on occasion, but not after cold beans:D Cold beans are great, best straight from the fridge with a lump of cheddar and bottle of Lee&Perrins.

Stop it you beastly being ! :) it's making me feel queezy just thinking about it!
I can eat most other beans cold. I think it's the sauce that does it. Not massively keen on tomato flavoured things except for fresh ones. I don't mind them.
When I was homeless I was given 6 tins of beans but had no way of heating them. I was so hungry I ate 2 cans straight off cold and was violently unwell. Never stomach ed them cold since! They are fine heated. Just a WG quirk! :) love cheezyy beans though.
Stop it you beastly being ! :) it's making me feel queezy just thinking about it!


The L&P is best served in a tall glass with any leftover bean juice. Use either as a posh dipping sauce, or my preference, a refreshing drink, using your teeth to strain out any bean remnants. It’s really excellent.:)

In honesty, I couldn’t do that. A few years ago I found I’d developed an allergic reaction to mussels. Now, I love mussels, but I’m not going to rue the fact I can’t eat them anymore. It happened once, and I thought I’d probably eaten a bad one. When it happened the second time I’d just got home after a meal out at a place that knows it’s seafood. I lit the fire, poured a glass of Jura whisky and settled on the sofa. Long story short, another night spent in the bathroom and several years before I could even think of drinking whisky again. That sort of reaction and purge must be built into our basic nature to avoid doing it again, my wife’s great grandfather drank alcohol from a bully beef tin when WW2 ended and contracted botulism. He never touched a drop of alcohol the rest of his life. No idea if he ever ate corned beef again.
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The L&P is best served in a tall glass with any leftover bean juice. Use either as a posh dipping sauce, or my preference, a refreshing drink, using your teeth to strain out any bean remnants. It’s really excellent.:)

In honesty, I couldn’t do that. A few years ago I found I’d developed an allergic reaction to mussels. Now, I love mussels, but I’m not going to rue the fact I can’t eat them anymore. It happened once, and I thought I’d probably eaten a bad one. When it happened the second time I’d just got home after a meal out at a place that knows it’s seafood. I lit the fire, poured a glass of Jura whisky and settled on the sofa. Long story short, another night spent in the bathroom and several years before I could even think of drinking whisky again.
:nana: to you too!:biggrin::D:biggrin:. Each to their own. If I ever have to cook for you I'll give you a can a can opener and a spoon. ! Nice and easy for me while I do a nice steak and mushrooms for myself.:joyful::thumbsup:
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I dont want to hear about cold beans.

And no Lea and Perrins for me. I am a convert to Hendersons relish.

I have plenty of herbs and spices and condiments,-need it to cook.

Tonight I am going to try making fishcakes with the tuna. I have some instant mash. (Another horror in my eyes)

If anyone this Christmas is appalled at the idea of Peach chutney then the Food Bank is to blame. Why do I end up with tinned peaches? What is wrong with tinned pineapples or even mixed fruit??

(But the chutney smells wonderful so I think it will be a winner).
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Corned beef is nice too, I prefer it cold over hot.
sliced, smear some Coleman's mustard, on German Rye bread ( the dark brown, square dense stuff....)

Were you gifted some corned beef?
Oh, I wish.

I am in the sad state that allthough my store coupboards are bursting I have very little I actualy feel like eating.

And I am short of or out of things I enjoy, such as bread or cheese. (I have tons of rice and pasta...and oats. And at least a half dozen cans of tuna...)

I much prefer fresh foods to tinned.
Big stack of pastrami, mustard and swiss cheese, all melted in a pan-fried rye bread sandwich.
I will lean over, put my elbows on the table and look down into that thing of beauty.
I won't look up again until it's all gone. No assistance required but maybe a dark ale.
Ruben? Monte Christo? I know it has a name.

The curried tuna that I spoke of is very much like that.
It's comfort food on days when I could eat the bum out of a skunk.
Heidi-cat gets tuna every day at 5 PM. SPCA rescue kitten, she deserves it.

Our common tins of corned beef come from Argentina.
Good but has to be hot with mustards and lots of heated sauerkraut.
Peach chutney is very tasty, love mango chutney too. Lovely with a good cheese.
I always try to put something other than pasta rice etc in the food Bank. Too many people put in cheap stuff that they wouldn't buy for themselves and feel virtuous. If anyone donates to a food Bank please remember that hungry people need variety too.! Plain food can get horribly boring.
Tengu at least you have some food. Have you tried swopping stuff you dont want with your friends or neighbours? If we lived nearer I'd happily swop the tuna for bread cheese and your favourite olives.
No assistance required but maybe a dark ale.
Ruben? Monte Christo? I know it has a name.

Our common tins of corned beef come from Argentina.

Like a Porter? A strong sweetish stout, traditionally brewed for London porters. I think all corned beef is from South America, the Fray Bentos tinned pie originated there.

Delicious Definitely not for me ! too many bad memories of running out of Hexi and having to eat them cold in the field

The hexi block fumes should introduce a nice fishy taste as well as very slight warmth. :sick:

Poor Tengu, we’re drifting the thread. Tengu, pasta is good food, even the Italians use dried way more than fresh, and tinned tomatoes. Don’t fret the tins. Tuna, pasta, mayo, canned sweetcorn, mixed together with some pepper and Maggi Seasoning if you have it = excellent. One of our staple easy meals during the week.
I have already had pasta twice today.

I eat all sorts of things; and yes, pasta and rice and tinned toms and beans are good scores to me. And Guess what? I have two bags giant couscous. (A favorite)
and ministrone soup mix. Next time I am in town I will get some bones from the butchers...

...But today I am not in a giant couscous mood. Hah.

I will let you know how the fishcakes go.
They also make corned beef in New Zealand and the Philippines.
The New Zealand one is fantastic, but bl00dy expensive. The brand name is Palm Tree. Large round tins.
The Phillipino one has sugar in it. Very fatty. Small cylindrical tins.
Oh, I wish.

I am in the sad state that allthough my store coupboards are bursting I have very little I actualy feel like eating.

And I am short of or out of things I enjoy, such as bread or cheese. (I have tons of rice and pasta...and oats. And at least a half dozen cans of tuna...)

I much prefer fresh foods to tinned.

If you make the Bean Soup, you can add more water than intended, and either add rice or Oats.
I use Oats to thicken soups.

One item you should buy. Knorr liquid seasoning. Brings out the flavours in all soups and casseroles. Umami they call it today.
Tengu, get to know a local greengrocer. Sometimes if you get friendly they will give you a good knockdown on stuff they need to get rid of before it becomes unsellable.
I use mine regularly to buy one onion a large carrot a parsip and a potato. This is turn into a healthy veg stew or soup.all you need is a stock cube and/ or gravy granules . If I go just before he closes I often can get free stuff too.
Try the same with the bakers. They often throw stuff away they havnt sold just before they go stale.I always look for the knockdown priced stuff in supermarkets before I look at anything else.this week I got 4 chicken thighs for £1.20. Made a lovely stew which has lasted for 3 days with two thighs and had a chicken salad with the other two. 4 days main meals for under £3.50
I dont want to hear about cold beans.

And no Lea and Perrins for me. I am a convert to Hendersons relish.

I have plenty of herbs and spices and condiments,-need it to cook.

Tonight I am going to try making fishcakes with the tuna. I have some instant mash. (Another horror in my eyes)

If anyone this Christmas is appalled at the idea of Peach chutney then the Food Bank is to blame. Why do I end up with tinned peaches? What is wrong with tinned pineapples or even mixed fruit??

(But the chutney smells wonderful so I think it will be a winner).

Instant mash makes potato scones :)
Seriously, make up the potatoes, season it, add a little of whatever fat or oil you have, and let it sit covered to cool down.
Stir through flour, whatever flour you have, wheat or oat or barley, and mix until you have a dough. Pat it out into rounds and fry in a dry frying can do it in fat if you like, but it's not the same....and eat with with either sweet, pickled or savoury, whatever.

The other thing that you can do with the same mixture is to roll it into little oval balls and boil them. That makes gnocchi and is excellent served with sauce or gravy. Those same little ovals can be deep fried and will make 'Smiley Faces'/ pomme noisette type potato fries too.

If you have a little cheese and leftover veggies, smash makes really decent shepherd's pie too. It's also excellent for duchess potatoes.

Instant spuds belong in every decent pantry; they make life easy. No need to waste fuel for boiling, no kitchen (or caravan in your case) full of steam and condensation, no hassle and no waste.
I agree they're not the same as home made mash, but I don't really use it for that.


1 tin tuna
1 egg
indeterminate instant mash
garlic pepper and dill
small amount fried onion.

all fried in a cake in a hot frying pan.

And isnt it good? Look, I have 5 more tins tuna! I am so lucky.

My horror of instant mash dates from those trendy days when my mother was too posh to get involved with real potatoes.

(I like to think she was posh rather than lazy)

I grew up hating bangers and mash.
Yeah, instant potatoes don't come close to decent home made mash.
On t'other hand, if it's what you have, you make do, and make it tasty somehow.
A lot of Indian food uses mashed potatoes, worth having a look at some of their recipes. It fair spices up rice :)

Do you get any choice of stuff from the food bank ? as in something other than beans and tuna ?
I'm sure tuna's good food, if one can eat fish and likes eating fish, but I see no appeal tbh.
Will they give you flour ? or dried milk ?

You said you had peaches though. Pan fry the peaches in some sugar and lightly caramelise it.
Very much adds to the taste of the bland canned peaches.

Stop it you beastly being ! :) it's making me feel queezy just thinking about it!
I can eat most other beans cold. I think it's the sauce that does it. Not massively keen on tomato flavoured things except for fresh ones. .....l.
Am I missing something? Do your baked beans have tomato in them!?
I can buy American Baked Beans in several brands and several sauces. Many of the sauces are tomato-based.
All those beans need garlic powder, soya sauce, Worcestershire sauce and fine dice onion.
Both Bush's and Heinz are just ingredients.


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