I've got an old casio divers digital watch, a great, tough watch for daily use. Current model is solar this isn't. A local dry cleaners can replace batteries and pressurize to oe standard. Or at least to what it's currently at, they have a proper leak tester device for watches.
For a few quid more they offer a "lifetime battery". If you keep the receipt and it dies in say 5 years time you take it back for a free replacement.
Does anyone know about these batteries? I'm assuming they're 5 or 10 year lifetime but they don't expect anyone to claim after that time. Worth the extra?
For a few quid more they offer a "lifetime battery". If you keep the receipt and it dies in say 5 years time you take it back for a free replacement.
Does anyone know about these batteries? I'm assuming they're 5 or 10 year lifetime but they don't expect anyone to claim after that time. Worth the extra?