I may be able to oblige as I'm extracting next week...postage would make it dearer of course, and our honey is wild forage (not moved onto farm crops, rape etc. or heather but entirely natural single position). Postage would bump up the price sadly to our "cottage gate" price but you aren't asking for anything outrageous there (comb honey is much more costly as the bees have to keep re-building the comb which reduces honey yield).
Many beekeepers use heat treatment to stop honey crystalising, or to produce "creamed" honey etc. so it would be worth discussing with a local beekeeper your wishes, they should be able to oblige. If you can't get sorted though, drop me a PM next week and if I have any excess, I'll sort you out with hand extracted honey which has nothing more done to it than being uncapped, hand spun from the comb and run through a filter to remove comb and bee bits!