An overnighter with lessons learned!


Full Member
Jun 15, 2005
st albans
Hi all, I took the opportunity as the kids are on half term this week to take my two eldest boys on an overnighter at the paintball site.
In the past month the site has had some serious cases of arson on some on the playing fields and car park resulting in a few visits from the fire brigade so the guy who runs the paintball was glad to let me go up there during the week to act as a pair of eyes and ears to any mischief!

Anyways we got dropped off at 10am on monday morning and my ever suffering missus picked us up at midday on tuesday.
We had a couple of injuries suffered by the boys mucking about in a trench system, the eldest Daniel (10) nearly blinded himself after tripping over and scraping his cheek on a post. I did my usual 'i told you so' routine on him and an hour later his younger brother James (5) whilst shouting to me ' I'm careful aren't I dad?' managed to slip over and faceplant himself into an earth bank!
I really thought the poor sod had lost his teeth because he had a mouth full of mud and blood from a very swolled and grazed top lip.
All this and we had only been there for 2 hours lol
Heres the boys waiting for a cup of tea after finishing the shelter. (pre injury)

The boys eating their evening meal of fried sausages and macaroni cheese ( post injury). I cooked the sausages but Daniel cooked the macaroni cheese on his swedish army trangia set.

Ready for bed after James and I kicked Daniels butt at top trumps 6-0! He deserved it after he completely annihilated me at conkers a month ago lol

Autumn sunset on monday evening.

we encountered some niggly problems with kit failure such as Daniels shelter that i made from an IPK leaked like a sieve during an overnight downpour leading to some of the kit and the feet of our sleeping bags getting wet, I didnt notice my army issue goretex bivi bag had delaminated causing the bottom of my sleeping bag to become slightly damp, and most important of all the dried milk I brought along was absolute tosh and ruined at least one good cuppa!

I did manage to finally try out my millbank bag and pre mac water purifier on some rainwater that was running off the guy lines during the night, although because the water had effectively ran off the trees it had turned it the same colour as a good single malt! After filtering and purification it still held the same colour but was safe to drink as we all drank it and 24 hours after none of us have suffered any ill effects.
And Daniel furthered his bushcraft skills by making a 3 pronged holder for a tealight candle which he was really impressed with.
James bless him was just glad he survived the night because all he kept saying to me when it got dark was 'dad is there robbers in this wood?' He must have enjoyed it because all he has talked about today is how we went camping in a wood and when he can go again.

All in all a good overnighter with some good lessons learned in pre checking kit before a trip and not running around tripping over objects no matter how cool the injury looks the next day lol


Life member
Jan 14, 2007
Looks like lots of fun and a fantastic memories for you and the boys.

Thanks for sharing.

I can't wait till my boys are old enough for it. Still a couple of years till they're ready though.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
Good one, looking forward to taking my little un out soon, she keeps asking.

The sunset pic is very nice.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
On the dried milk thing, I use Tescos powdered milk in my van for when I'm having a cuppa at work, it keeps for ages.

Only problem seems to be when I put it into just boiled water and it curdles, even leaving it for an our or so and it losing a few degrees of heat sorts that out and its fine when I leave it from when I boil the kettle at about 7am and about 9.30am when I have a cuppa.


Full Member
Jun 15, 2005
st albans
mike you will love it when you take your lads out, i went on weekend camping trips to brands hatch with my dad to watch motor racing when i was younger so this is a natural progression for me to take my boys camping.
funnily enough demographic it was tescos own brand dried milk we were using lol i encountered the same problems so i think i'll switch to some kind of tea whitener or just be lazy and get the tea granules.

on the subject of top trumps me and Daniel collect them and we currently have about 15 sets. i find them great for these little trips being small and portable, we will bring along some travel games like connect 4 for some variety next time.


May 4, 2006
Hyde, Cheshire
Excellent stuff.

My lad just found out I'm going to the Middlewood meet on Sat'day. "Can I come, Dad?" :eek: First time he's asked. If it was earlier in the summer and I'd been allowed out to play more than once in the last 4 months, I'd let him. This W/E is for me. He'll have to wait until spring now. He's a bit nesh like him mum, who complains about the cold, even when she's using my winter bag in the middle of the hottest week of the year. :confused:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
i was going to bring my eldest along, he's 6. unfortunatly he's got the constitution of a wet paper towel and his mothers ability to feel the cold!
i'll be taking him out when it starts warming up in the spring and see how he goes.
my youngest is 3 on sunday so there's little chance of him sleeping out at the moment.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Looks like a really good time, and the injuries will heal :cool: Your boys will definitely want back out :D

Cold kids:This is a modern issue, people sleeping apart.
I camped with my family as a child, and we cooried in. Everyone was warmer that way.
The kids are big enough not to suffocate if you roll over, cuddle them close and they'll be fine.



Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Looks like a really good time, and the injuries will heal :cool: Your boys will definitely want back out :D

Cold kids:This is a modern issue, people sleeping apart.
I camped with my family as a child, and we cooried in. Everyone was warmer that way.
The kids are big enough not to suffocate if you roll over, cuddle them close and they'll be fine.


I thin this is definitely the way to go. On a big inflatable mattress with a few blankets in a heated tipi! :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 19, 2009
Hamilton... scotland
thats what is awe aboot , the wanes wi big smiles , they looked like they loved it mate .. ma boy loves the great outdoors aswell..


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
might have to try that with the wrapped up kids thing, although as my eldest could hide behind a fencepost he'd need alot of extra insolation!
like i say i'm going to try him this spring, but i'd love to get him out in the woods, he loves learning about the outdoors!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
we encountered some niggly problems with kit failure such as Daniels shelter that i made from an IPK leaked like a sieve during an overnight downpour leading to some of the kit and the feet of our sleeping bags getting wet

That was probably because they weren't really designed for use as a tarp, or even as a re-usable piece of kit.

Originally they were a use once and abandon sheet to support a mound of soil over a trench in a combat situation.

I found a copy of the "How to use" instructions, but is a PDF file

They were withdrawn in the 70's and early 80's as the instructions weren't being followed and some trenches "back filled" with squadies in them :eek:

Used as per the "manufacturers instructions" for the original purpose they work fine, but repeated folding and unfolding unfortunately results in weakening of the coating on the fabric.

Hope it didn't spoil the time you had out and the kids enjoyed themselves and look forward to their next trip, I know my daughter will enjoy such a trip.

Wingstoo :)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Reply to Melonfish.........

My youngest was built like that too.......even yet, he's 6 foot tall, broad shouldered and otherwise as lean as a whip, I'm 5'2" :rolleyes: He was always cold unless he was being cuddled or wrapped up like the Michelin man :D

It wasn't always poverty in the past that had siblings sharing beds, it was warmer, a lot warmer, especially in non centrally heated houses.
Coorie in close or lie shivering ? No contest :approve:



Full Member
Jun 15, 2005
st albans
my eldest daniel is known for being whingy as regards to the cold but both boys were wrapped up using the trusted layers system, this and it never dropped below +10C.
When they get older and i can afford winter bags for them both then i will take them out in colder weather (other half permitting).


Jan 25, 2006
Great to see kids out having fun.
What a fantastic experience for them with their Dad.

My two have been camping out since they were tots (a few weeks old).
My son is also of the bean pole hide behind a fence post variety, but he insists every year that the coldest week of the year is HIS week for camping out on his own,
No adults allowed.

So far its only been down to about -7 :rolleyes: when he's been out himself, but I insist he takes two sleeping bags and a blanket and wears a hat and full thermals all night.

He is still alive, (having been doing this since he was 6) and wants to sleep in a snow hole this year :eek:

Cooriein in is what I need (or did till I got my new down bag!)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.