Alternate bit of manknitting


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
We have a horse, she's an old nag and we were given her about 5 years ago. (We didn't look in her mouth :lmao:) Anyway what with this hot weather and all she's been plagued with flies and the fly screen she had broke.

Enter stage left Biker with his nimble hands and assorted bits of paracord. Reverse engineered the orginal flyscreen and ta daah.

Prussic knots on top cord and clove hitches on the one below then onto the dangly bits.

Job done, one happier horsey. Extra brownie points from the Missus too ... I hope :togo:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
is that why all the flies are on her nose?

Trust me Tengu if you'd seen how many there were around her eyes before I put on the veil. Naturally as I put it on her they all came over me Icky damned things they are too.

HAHAHA, I think i've seen her dancing at our local araibien nights foodery.

And she's an Arabian cross horse too. Oh the irony.

I believe that's what is called fit for purpose! Nicely done.

Yup thought so too. Thanks.

That picture I did not expect! :D

I had considered a paracord bracelet for her but since she has no thumbs untangling it could have been an effort. A Cobra weave headcoller would have ate up my paracord reserves as well.

Anyway hopefully it'll give you other man knitters some alternate ideas for churning out decorative bits of weavework other than bracelets, you also get to use up all those short ends or cord that clutter up the workbench. I bet a stable would buy these off you quick enough if you made a few. No idea how pricey these things are from an equestiran shop, but knowing how they think anyone who owns a horse must be rich must put a high mark up on that cheap Taiwanese import.

Thanks for reading


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