Albany Western Australia: photo tours !



First of all hello to everyone :),

I came up with the idea of posting some "photo tours" of some of the Bushcraft worthy locations around where I Live in Albany Western Australia.

The idea is just to showcase some of the spectacular country and show the diversity of the area. Hopefully this will inspire other people to do photo tours of their own areas and give us all a chance to share our local knowledge, and hopefully provide a resource of information that could be used to plan holidays, camps and expeditions.

It would be great to see where people go and what they do in their particular areas !

so without further ado I present the photo tour for the Bald Head Walk in Torndirrup National Park Albany Western Australia.:)


A view of the overall area of the walk.

BACKGROUND: The walk is about 16km to the head and back, (about 6 hours walk depending on the group and what you do) There are a number of steep climbs and a decent level of fitness is required as well as a good pair of boots.

The walk provides a great view of the magnificent coastline, rock cliffs, coastal islands and you can see all the way across King George sound. There are a number of great attractions along the walk that are bushcraft worthy, including the chance to see coastal birds of prey, kangaroos, bandicoots and other native animals. There is also plenty around for the foragers and budding botanists amongst us including a wide variety of edible plants. (it is a national park so no fires or harvesting of plants is allowed unfortunately)

I took a group of friends from work who had not been on the walk before, We all took a small pack with rainwear, water and a packed lunch.

As the guide I took some extra bits and bobs including a first aid kit (which was used on the day for a bad blister) extra water, brew kit and billy as well as some emergency kit.

It is not recommended to attempt the walk if the weather is really bad. The coast is very dangerous and in some places you are quite exposed to the ravages of the southern ocean.


After climbing the first two hills up from the car park you get the first view of bald head.


This is the view looking back the way we came, you can see the trail marker in a cairn of stones to the left, the way is marked with cairns in all the places where you could possibly get lost so nav is simple. The white sand beach is called The salmon holes and at this time of year (autumn) the salmon are running and make great fishing.


Rain squalls across the Southern Ocean, we were lucky and didn't get too wet !



getting a bit closer!


another hill


looking back towards town, you can see some of the coastal islands





A rain squall blows across the narrow isthmus, if you got caught in the open out there it would get pretty exciting!


The squall sweeps out into the bay, missing us and making a beautiful view :).


we finally made it onto the head.


this valley runs along until you get to the granite of the head, it is filled with amazing fossilized coral and we stopped here on the way back, got out the brew kit and billy and had a nice brew as well as a spot of lunch, absolutely magnificent.

All in all it is a great walk and thoroughly recommended.

I hope you have enjoyed the photo tour and if anyone wants any further details just let me know !

hopefully this will inspire a few more photo tours and help someone out there in the Bushcraft community

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Hey BOD, no dramas. Actually the next trip I have got planned is bluff knoll so that will be the next photo tour!,

would love to see some of your favorite spots over in Malaysia, I bet you have some awesome jungle trails and camps over there, ;)

cheers mate.


Jan 19, 2009
St Austell
Great piece Dspec. I particularly like the initial Google Earth picture to introduce the walk and give an idea of scale.

Makes me feel like getting the walking boots on and doing some more of the SW Coast Path in Cornwall.



cheers mate,

That was the general idea, provide a bit of background and an intro and then a few photos, glad you found it helpful :) would love to see a photo tour of one of your favorite local places once you strap on those boots.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.