If there are any charges it will be you having to pay it to Royal mail before they deliver it, all i would pay at the post office is the charge for postage, its like you are buying a knife from the USA, when it gets here customs put a charge on it, and the buyer has to pay, and of course the carrier puts his own charge on for collecting it.
Of course by putting gardening equipment on the package.( always put camping equipment )) this leaves the Customs (as it would go through Customs) or the carrier the right to destroy the package because of the false declaration, if that happened the seller would be responsible for the loss.
I send knives to the US and they are usually high end, Woodlores etc, and the worst thing is waiting for them to be delivered safely, especially when they leave them by someones door when they aint in (UPS), now why should I have all that hassle for a £120 knife.
Now I know that it is unlikely that the knife would not get where its going, but these new restrictions between England and N.I, just increase the risk, and the risk is really with the buyer, as it would be them who would have to pay the duty, Vat etc,and the couriers extra charge if it was asked for, and this does happen when buying from outside the UK
I only post RMSD so that way i can fully track it, with normal post even signed for there is no tracking.
So I am not up for it,but if you want to buy it, i am willing to post it RMSD to you.