Advice needed on trip to Sweden


Jul 24, 2009
Hi guys, a friend and I want to go on a weekend trip to Sweden for some walking and camping.

Would appreciate any recommendations and advice on where to go: trails, mountains etc

Thanks in advance.

The Cumbrian

Full Member
Nov 10, 2007
The Rainy Side of the Lakes.
If you've only got a weekend then Vättlefjäll nature reserve on the outskirts of Gothenburg would be perfect. It's big enough to easily get two or three days walking in ( and maybe hire a canoe too ), but close enough to the airport that you won't waste a large part of your weekend travelling.

I did some trip reports from there:

You can get cheap flights to Gothenburg and stock up on food in the city before heading out.

Cheers, Michael.
If you're really pressed for time then obviously somewhere close to the main airports is good. If you fly into Stockholm, there's fantastic nature reserve called Paradiset which is only a few stops south of the central station on the commuter train. The long hiking trail Sormlandsleden goes through it. It's quite flat but classic Swedish style, lots of lakes and forest. There are no particular camping sites or anything along the way, but hey it's Sweden so you can camp wherever you like! There are a few wind shelters that you can put your sleeping bag in if you like as well, they're quite limited though.
well if you're not that pressed for time then I'd recommend one my favourite weekend trips running out of Stockholm, which is to jump on the night train from Stockholm central and go up the Jämtland. I love train travel and Swedish night trains are a joy to behold and remind you of how train travel ought to be. The ones to Jämtland leave at around 2330 and arrive in the morning 0800 ish, so if you time your flights right you can get a long way north without incurring extra travel time. In the winter everyone goes to Åre which is the big skiing resort, but the summer place to go in my mind is a couple of stops further onto Enafors. From there you can get a bus up to Storulvån mountain station which is the starting point for a while world of outdoor mountain fun. There are huge numbers of trails and mountain stations, and shelters and cabins and the scenery is glorious. You can read about the mountain station and look at some of the routes hereÖ


(not sure how much is in English on the site, but google translate probably does an OK job with it). If you ring up the youth hostel association then they all speak great English and will help you to plan a trip. Also if you go up to there you can hire nearly all your kit at the mountain station, so saves you having to fly with it. And it's not shoddy kit either, last time I was there I hired tent and stoves and ended up with top notch Hilleberg tent and Trangia stove. All in all well worth a trip if you have the extra time, just get ready for the mosquitos in summer :)
I've been back and forth alot recently ( 6 times a year or more) and I must recommend Norwegian as the way to do it, for both price and convenience, if Gatwick is not a problem to you. You'll get something really cheap normally with Norwegian as long as you can book more than 6-8 weeks in advance, even if you do go on peak travel days, short notice is more variable. You do have to pay extra for bags and seats, but beyond that I find Norwegian to be excellent quality, excellent punctuality and they go into a proper airport at Arlanda, and not some **** end of nowhere airport!

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Top insider tips there glogalgoat! Been up there, but only skiing, should really try a summer trip.

I was going to post something fuller about this as a straight recommendation thread, as it's a truly wonderful place to trek, but having only joined the forum this week, haven't got round to it yet. Watch this space!

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