Hello. I'm doing a species report on the legislation and population dynamics of Vipera berus. I need to discuss some conservation strategies and need to include as much information as possible, however I'm finding conflicting information. I need to write about the adder's inclusion into the UK BAP priority species list. I know that it wasn't an original UK BAP species, but I've found from multiple sources that it was included in the UK BAP, but at different dates. I'm not entirely sure whether it was included in 2007 or if it was included in 2011, when UK BAPs were no longer relevant (replaced by the post-2010 framework). I've tried looking on the original BAP website, but of course that was shut down. I tried looking into the JNCC website for the BAP archives however there seems to be a problem with that. I just need more information on the adder as a UK BAP species, whether it was listed in 2007, or 2011, or both. All I can seem to find is a few words mentioning that it was a BAP species, but nothing else. I especially need information on how this applies to and protects the adder specifically.
I would also be very grateful if anyone could provide me with information on the adder populations in Dorset/Hampshire. I can't seem to find much local info despite many hours of searching. This might of course be due to its reclusive nature.
Thank you.
http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/_speciespages/2695.pdf This document would seem to suggest that the adder was listed in the UK BAP in 2007. I haven't been able to find any info on the possible 2011 listing.
I would also be very grateful if anyone could provide me with information on the adder populations in Dorset/Hampshire. I can't seem to find much local info despite many hours of searching. This might of course be due to its reclusive nature.
Thank you.
http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/_speciespages/2695.pdf This document would seem to suggest that the adder was listed in the UK BAP in 2007. I haven't been able to find any info on the possible 2011 listing.
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