Accused of stealing a canoe


Apr 27, 2005

Just a friendly wave each morning, help you ahve a better daaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

NEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHBOURS - should be there for one another!

That's when good NEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHBOURS become gooooooooooooood frieeeennnnnndddssss.

Wrong, just wrong!


I would be tempted to have a chat to a local cop. You could even go at it from this woman accused me of nicking her canoe, is canoe thieft a problem round here, and what can I do to avoid having mine nicked.


Mar 16, 2008

The misguided, baseless accusations of your neighbour do not reflect on you, its actually not about you as you have no connection to the loss of her boat.

Please don't let this detract from your enjoyment as you have done more than could reasonably have been asked of you, only to have your kind offer rejected.

Given the attitude of the neighbour, her boat probably escaped to freedom and was not in fact stolen...


May 26, 2008
I definately sympathise and would have very much the same feeling myself - im not a big fan of conflict and this sort of thing would detract from the area for me as it'd keep popping into my mind. Its not to do with what shes going to do - clearly nothing but its not pleasent to be involved insomething that causes someone else unhapiness.
Hmm sound a bit like a hippy there and im not but every time things like that hapen i do think im not really a big fan of people lol, anyone would think i was antisocial.....


Jun 30, 2008
gods own county of yorkshire
their are always feeling stealer's they will make false accusations just to p..s you off and stop you enjoying what you are legally allowed to do.
i hired a church hall for many years to teach martial arts 10 years plus attached to this was a field also belonging to the church hall which we used during guest instructors seminars and to teach long weapons,
we had been doing this for years with agreement from the vicar when.....
some small minded church busybody after getting no where with the vicar reported to the police that there were armed men fighting on this field.
a visit from the plod then happened the coppers had helicopters up in the air ect and a car was sent round when it was explained the whys and wayfors the police were happy on production of licenses, insurance and after a nice chat to the vicar to leave us alone to carry on.
unfortunately it did not stop there and every time we used the field she did the same thing as it turned out she was wanting to buy the hall and field to develop but whilst we were hiring the hall and field the church was gaining an income from it which meant she would have to pay more for the land
eventually she had got to the scout troop and they left. as they used the field also and we were told that we would be unable hire the hall and grounds from the following week about 3 weeks after the scouts left.


May 26, 2009
their are always feeling stealer's they will make false accusations just to p..s you off and stop you enjoying what you are legally allowed to do.
i hired a church hall for many years to teach martial arts 10 years plus attached to this was a field also belonging to the church hall which we used during guest instructors seminars and to teach long weapons,
we had been doing this for years with agreement from the vicar when.....
some small minded church busybody after getting no where with the vicar reported to the police that there were armed men fighting on this field.
a visit from the plod then happened the coppers had helicopters up in the air ect and a car was sent round when it was explained the whys and wayfors the police were happy on production of licenses, insurance and after a nice chat to the vicar to leave us alone to carry on.
unfortunately it did not stop there and every time we used the field she did the same thing as it turned out she was wanting to buy the hall and field to develop but whilst we were hiring the hall and field the church was gaining an income from it which meant she would have to pay more for the land
eventually she had got to the scout troop and they left. as they used the field also and we were told that we would be unable hire the hall and grounds from the following week about 3 weeks after the scouts left.

she should have been fined for wasting police time after the third call out or so


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
their are always feeling stealer's they will make false accusations just to p..s you off and stop you enjoying what you are legally allowed to do.
i hired a church hall for many years to teach martial arts 10 years plus attached to this was a field also belonging to the church hall which we used during guest instructors seminars and to teach long weapons,
we had been doing this for years with agreement from the vicar when.....
some small minded church busybody after getting no where with the vicar reported to the police that there were armed men fighting on this field.
a visit from the plod then happened the coppers had helicopters up in the air ect and a car was sent round when it was explained the whys and wayfors the police were happy on production of licenses, insurance and after a nice chat to the vicar to leave us alone to carry on.
unfortunately it did not stop there and every time we used the field she did the same thing as it turned out she was wanting to buy the hall and field to develop but whilst we were hiring the hall and field the church was gaining an income from it which meant she would have to pay more for the land
eventually she had got to the scout troop and they left. as they used the field also and we were told that we would be unable hire the hall and grounds from the following week about 3 weeks after the scouts left.

Little England.

You are lucky that the Nazis were stopped from invasion.

Lots of kleiner Englanders would have flocked to the Nazis and informed on their neighbours.

My sister in law is a country vicar. Lots of stories always going on about people in the village and about the vicar too!
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Jan 6, 2010
If you're really hell bent upon resolving the conflict find someone this lady respects, present this to them, including evidence that you've had the canoe since before she lost hers, and ask them to arrange a meeting with her, if she's not away with the fairies, she'll hopefully agree to the meeting, even if its just to keep friendly with her friend.


May 4, 2005
I agree with you about not wanting to escalate the situation but you must also be defensive. She may be building a case and simply preparing the groundwork. If you do register in some way that the accusation has been made (it is technically an assault if an accusation of illegal conduct is made - in england anyway) then you would do well to ensure that if push comes to shove you have a record of your dissatisfaction lodged with a reputable authority which will back up your case. You have the choice whether or when to fall back on it if its there - if it isnt then you cant. On occasion its been known that the other party, knowing that a conversation etc. has not gone unreported, has backed out of a situation which they would have otherwise have continued in the belief that all references are hearsay and would have no formal defensive value.

Like i say good intent is laudable, but it only works when both sides have that good intent - when they dont it becomes a legal case, and remember that you will have to pay for representation to fight the case - which, if your defence is unsupported, the lawyers will drag out till you give up on costs alone.

I recently won a case where a woman t-boned me. The case was clearly in my favour and all that i asked was the excess (£300) and the record that it was not my fault. The other side three times caused the magistrate hearing to be cancelled by not summonsing the witnesses. each time it made me take a day out of work and retain a barrister & solicitor. When the case was heard it was found in my favour and i got my £300 but the costs were huge (she paid). The point is that it was a ploy to make me give up, in which case i would have had to pay my own legal bill.

So do yourself a favour and ensure that there is a record of the exchange with an acceptable and admissable source - just so its there if you need it.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.