A wee bimble in the Dean Park


Jun 5, 2007
Well it was a cold and miserable morning and I wanted to see if my waterproofing had worked on my jacket, that and to see how useful my new karrimor boots were so I decided to go for a walk in the Dean Park, Kilmarnock. It's a nice place and well looked after. Perhaps too well. They tend to clear up all the fallen logs / trees etc not allowing nature to claim them back, but still, I've saw worse parks. While out I thought I'd take a few pics along the way, they're taken using my camera phone so the quality is a tad shady. Click on the thumbnails to get a bigger pic.

Some pics of the burn that goes by the park, some lovely camping places near it too.. I wish there was a place near me that was like this to camp at.. :(

The woods are lovely, not much in the way of animal life at this time of the year though.

Good old fashioned loo's, do you business and it falls straight out into the waiting buckets to be picked up by the gardeners and put into the herb garden.

This is Donkey, as far as I know he neither talks or flys. Shame. The horse is Scott, a Clydesdale who definitely doesn't talk or fly, he does love apples.

The Dean Castle. The oldest part of the keep was built around 1500 or so ( it's the big tower thing on the left side of the pics. The rest was built sometime later. The castle was used often over the years, during the various fights with the English. During the wars featuring Mel Gibson, sorry I mean William Wallace, the castle was used as head quarters from time to time. There are some lovely pieces of armour and weaponry inside, but unfortunately it was closed today.

I tried to take pics of the various birds etc that live on the pond, but my poor quality camera phone wasn't upto the job unfortunately. Perhaps next time I'll get someones camera and take some proper pics.



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