A new wild edible mushroom for you - Agrocybe rivulosa

Geoff Dann

Sep 15, 2010


First scientifically described only ten years ago, now very common. I couldn't find any info on edibility out there, so I decided to just try eating it (yesterday). It's very good. :)


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales

Have you read the article @ the link on the original post? And he's not advocating that anybody else should eat them...

I, for one, would be prepared to try these after reading the available information and will do so at the first opportunity, but I wouldn't give them to anybody else to eat. I'd say "Caveat Emptor", except they're free! :)

Geoff Dann

Sep 15, 2010

At least one of them can kill you after years of eating them with no symptoms! Paxillus involutus - the Brown Rollrim - used to be considered edible until a top mycologist who'd been eating them for years dropped down dead due to some bizarre condition where your red blood cells start self-destructing. It's now listed as deadly. This is a very unusual example though. Most of the species that take a few days to kill you are those containing amatoxins - including the deathcap. But although you don't die for several days (of liver/kidney failure), you become quite seriously ill (with gastric symptoms) within a few hours. And you would be made very ill from eating just a small amount. I tried eating a small amount the day before I ate a full serving, and had no bad reaction.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I have eaten fungi with edibility "unknown". But it is not something that I shout about on public forums. There is a lot of complex information that needs to be taken on board before anyone experiments with fungi. Part of that information is not endangering others with less knowledge. I more frequently experiment with the ediblity of plants. I tend to declare the fruits my research as "I have ate X and I am not dead yet". Using the same logic I would wait at least two weeks before saying that about any mushroom. I would eat an argocybe rivulosa, looking at its relatives seeing fairies or some mild nausea or a slight reaction with alcohol would be the worst that could be expected, but then you never know.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
One man cant declare something edible, for some thing to edible it needs something like 9 out of 10 people ate this and didnt spew up.

it is why prefer I ate this and i am not dead yet. Farmfood mussles were a close shave though.

Each to their own, we all have to make a living somehow.


Dec 21, 2006
Yep still here.

Not that much of a chance really, as explained in the blog post I linked to. The probability of this being seriously poisonous was quite low, and the probability of it being tasty was quite high. :)

Your a braver man than me.:) Glad your still with us.

Geoff Dann

Sep 15, 2010
One man cant declare something edible, for some thing to edible it needs something like 9 out of 10 people ate this and didnt spew up.

it is why prefer I ate this and i am not dead yet. Farmfood mussles were a close shave though.

This is what I wrote in my blog (before this conversation):

No doubt I will be accused by some of irresponsibility for telling people they are edible. Have I been eating them for years? Nope. Have I tested them on a hundred people and made sure nobody had an allergic reaction? Nope. I have, however, established that they are tasty enough to be worth eating, and that, at least to me, they do not contain any immediately-acting toxins. It’s always possible they are one of the unusual cases where many years of repeated consumption is required before the toxicity is revealed, but these is no reason to believe this is likely. At the very least, I hope I have started the ball rolling. I’d be very interested to hear about other people who have tried eating this mushroom.

Each to their own, we all have to make a living somehow

Indeed. Once upon a time I was a software engineer, making hi-tech devices (simulators) for the military and commercial airlines, teaching people how to more effectively kill each other and mess up the climate. I prefer doing this.


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