A Matter Of Perspective


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Good read, from my perspective i'd say that speedy instantaneous treatment he received was definitely not experienced in a UK NHS run hospital.

Same story UK ER

Man dies of heart attack in waiting room behind the 4 hrs que of drunks and idiots who are there when they shouldn't be, man's wife reports being completely patronised and condescending too when she tried to insist he needed emergency help.

maybe this is just my warped perspectives based on my experience of visiting uk ER's when i have had no other choice
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M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Maybe. There's often long waits here as well. The nursing staff have to triage the patients in an often crowded ER. Obviously bleeders and cardiology victims take precedence. But I didn't mean this to turn into a statement on whether the healthcare system (any healthcare system) is perfect or flawed; we all know that there are flaws in any system. My point is that in most cases , the staff are doing the best they can; but obviously, the patient needs to be "kept in the loop" as it were.

It might also put a little perspective on the situation to read this:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
it was a good read i was just making a joke about my experiences, you could not be more correct about them doing a near impossible job in ridiculous conditions for meagre pay. I have had my life saved twice in the ER but that was because i was taken in by ambulance, the times i took myself in i waited upwards of 4 hrs for treatment, one of those times i had a Staphylococcus aureus infection in my elbow after swimming at the mouth of the river Forth and when i eventually got seen the docs told me that we would know in the next 24hrs whether or not i get to keep my arm, thankfully i did keep the arm but the extra hours wait could have been all the difference

very true words

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