A Firebow / Punkwood Experiment

It was a nice day today, the thermometer at the bank said it was 82F / 28C at 12:45 pm today, it's been a while since it was that "cool" at that time of the day. Lately it has been around 98F / 36C with heat indexes of around 110F / 43C. I had a theory I had been wanting to test and therefor an experiment I had been wanting to try. So this evening I headed off to the woods for a bit in search of a large leaf and some punk. Punk is something that is almost always in great supply in the woods here.

I saw a few other things along the way but was limited in photos by the small memory card in my little p&s as the 4 gig is now in the SLR and I haven't bothered to pick up another larger one yet. The large leaf I found was a muscadine leaf, and I noted, looking at a smaller vine, that muscadines don't seem to be such great judges of tree heights.


I'm really not quite sure what this is, I've seen a few here and there but never many in one spot.


The only mushroom I saw today.


The trees seem to be under assault from multiple attackers



Then I found the punk I was looking for, time for the experiment.


The first step was to burn the spindle into the new hearth-board I had made and cut the notch.




The next step was to get a coal.


the forth step...of which I didn't take time to snap the picture...was to transfer the coal to the punk and try the punk as an extender/tinder. Then the next step was to blow the coaling punk into a larger coal and use that heat to ignite smaller twigs. This shot was taken as I was blowing the coaling punk into a large hot ember.


And the experiment was a success.


I'll have to put this to use more later this year as it cools off more. Friction fire is really neat,you really don't need a fire to stay warm...seem multiple attempts alone will keep a body warm :)


Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Yay, did you do anything to prep the punk? bow drill is the one thing i seem to practice the most, purely because it's the one method that i have the most randon success/fail ratio with. those speckled pinkish things look interesting, have you cut any open?

Yay, did you do anything to prep the punk? bow drill is the one thing i seem to practice the most, purely because it's the one method that i have the most randon success/fail ratio with. those speckled pinkish things look interesting, have you cut any open?


Nope, no prep on this. It was the spongy fibrous type so all I did was make a dent for the coal, laid it on top of the coal, inverted, and then started gently blowing on it to bring it to life.

I haven't cut any yet...Seems I always only find them when I am in the middle of looking for something else and low on time. Next time I just need to check it out better or take it home and check it later.

could that thing on the 2nd picture be a gall /oak apple? it's a growth caused by certain insects for their larvae.

I have no idea what it is...

Nice little experiment that!


Thanks Drew, glad you enjoyed it !


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Never used punk. I must give it a go sometime. Although finding dry stuff at the moment is nigh impossible here.


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