a bushcraft emergency emerges.......


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
The sun was out and it was a fine autumnal day so all the Fish family d3ecided to go and try out their new hammocks and tarps,near us is a great wood that we seldom visit for some reason,it comprises of 90% deciduous woods and of those nearly all 40 year old beach,ideal girth for tree huggers,we walked in for about a half hour so were well in the thick of it when mrs fish stumbled in a rut,we both heard a click and joked that 'boy thats gonna be sore tomorrow'! having pretty much reached our chosen spot i set about setting up 6 hammocks and 6 tarps whilst mrs fish sat and made fire and the kids gathered fire wood of which there was plenty, to cook on and have a brew. Mrs fish has a particularly high pain threshhold and infact having had 4 kids never needed pain relief in her longest 40 minute labour,predictably she started moaning,but this time it wasnt about me or the kids,i was getting concerned ,she was complaining of a cold foot with pins and needles,she wanted to take her boot off but i wouldnt let her as i knew if it swelled she would never get it back on,i was now fearing the worst that she may of actually have broken her ankle,once fed and the kit packed away ,the boys and i looked for a Y sheaped stick for a crutch,we found a good hazel one on the periphery of the woods and after a bit of adjustment with the laplander and lashing a kids jumper to the fork we had a serviceable crutch,the old girl by this time was in pain every-time she touched the floor or tried to move her foot.
The half hour jaunt into the woods became a slow and for mrs fish painful hour or more getting back to the car,we considered making a stretcher but as i was the only able adult it just wouldnt have been feasible to get the kids to try and carry one end,(mrs fish is what she calls 'big boned').
by the time we had reached the car the old girl was in a lot of pain ,and in no way able to drive so i had to drive,which normally i dont.once home and the kettle boiled and she was doped up with codien and anti inflammatory pills mrs fish was a little more comfortable and we removed her shoe,cutting the laces so as to not hurt her more than necessary,her ankle was swollen on one side and was bruising nicely,after some googling we were both sure that at least she had tendon and ligament damage and if she was lucky just a broken ankle.
So after 4 hours at the hospital we emerged at 11pm just as all the drunks,fighters,police and overdosers started trickling in,and a prognosis of one ankle with torn ligaments and tendon damage that may well take six months to heal ,not a good day.Needless to say the old girl is making the most of it as i sit here,ordering the kids and me about,and i am quite sure she doesn't normally drink so many cups of tea when she has to make them,still shes the one thats got to climb the stairs to the loo.....


Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
Hope she gets better soon mate, ankle injuries can be quite painful . Your just going to have it wait on her like a good man servant :)


Sep 25, 2012
Hope Mrs Fish heals up quickly. That sounds very painful :( Remember, the service while she's recovering needs to be 5* so no slacking on the job ;)

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Awww man thats going to hurt. Tell her to keep off it - even when bored!

Get well soon Mrs Fish


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Oh, been there, done that :sigh:
Heartfelt sympathy Mrs Fish. For the life of me I couldn't sit still on it for days on end either.........and my kids weren't youngsters when I did mine in.

One of the Doctors suggested a walking cast to let things heal but give mobility ? Don't know if that's an option for your wife ? I know I couldn't walk on it without my boots laced up tight though.
It's really worth not doing any more damage while it's healing; mine cramps if I do stuff like cycling, though it's easing as I get older.

Keep her hands busy and she'll sit at peace more easily :D but miracles come passing slow :rolleyes:

Hope it heals well, asap :)


p.s. Flasks are handy things ;)


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
yes i know ive been hitting the flask all morn! lol

the hospital wouldnt even supply a support bandage or a scrip of pain killers!

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I did my knee when I was 20 with repeats when I was in my 30s and again in my 40s - a weakness is there that needs good muscles to support it....
Over compensation has wrecked the other knee and my back...
Let her give it time to heal completely (I did not) and to get good physio to rebuild the muscles afterwards (I did not) or she will be making trouble for the future!
I hope that - for all your sakes :) - she heals fast and well!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
yes i know ive been hitting the flask all morn! lol

the hospital wouldnt even supply a support bandage or a scrip of pain killers!

You're joking ! :yikes:
Double tubigripped from my toes to my knees for six weeks, and it was about three weeks before I could put my foot down without pain.
They have to do better than that for her, surely? Mum with four kids ? If this doesn't heal well then she's stuck with the damage for ever afterwards. It's really not funny.



Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
You're joking ! :yikes:
Double tubigripped from my toes to my knees for six weeks, and it was about three weeks before I could put my foot down without pain.
They have to do better than that for her, surely? Mum with four kids ? If this doesn't heal well then she's stuck with the damage for ever afterwards. It's really not funny.


mate they said she could buy tubigrip and paracetamol at tesco !


Full Member
May 15, 2012
In my local trust, The procedure for precriptions has changed very recently I understand. The hospitals have had their budgets slashed and the gp surgeries given more to compensate. We used to get bags of meds from the hospital, last time we got essentials only. Sad that tubigrip (30p) and pain killers (16p) are too much these days.

Best wishes, hope she feels better soon.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Know how she feels. I badly damaged the liguments in my right ankle 20 years ago whilst climbing and they have never healed properly. I regularly go over on it and am in an awfull lot of pain, thats the reason i wear ankle high boots almost all the time.

Hope she gets better soon mate and just tell her to be carefull as it will remain weak for many many years.


Sep 25, 2008
Gatwick, UK
I did my knee when I was 20 with repeats when I was in my 30s and again in my 40s - a weakness is there that needs good muscles to support it....
Over compensation has wrecked the other knee and my back...
Let her give it time to heal completely (I did not) and to get good physio to rebuild the muscles afterwards (I did not) or she will be making trouble for the future!
I hope that - for all your sakes :) - she heals fast and well!

I second this. I had an accident over 8 years ago. Didn't rest and rebilitate properly thinking I could do more and pushed myself hiking and skiing. Now have to face that my hiking days are over as the ankle can't take it. I'm still in my 30's and it feels really grim to think I'm not going to be able to do a decent hike again. Was hoping to do the three peaks But even a weekend on the downs pretty much laid me up for a week.

If you get a Physio who is also a sports Physio as well as a rehabilitation one, they seem to understand the need to get mobile again and the need to rest.


Nov 24, 2005
Yep done both of mine too, worse than a break in a lot of ways, lots of resting it, more than she will want to tolerate, when it's well mended a good exercise is balancing on one foot then close your eyes, don't raise the other foot so high that you can fall but practicing this for longer and longer every time helps tune balance and aids in not turning your ankle again, good exercise for anyone actually not just recovering from injury. I also found tiger balm liniment also works for a lot of things like that although I have no idea why and I can't seem to find a rational explanation for it

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Hope shes on the mend fast. ive just had my wife laid up for a week and know how hard it can be keeping the house running smoothly and sorting the kids / keeping them amused.


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