A bridge too far..(Pic heavy)


Oct 19, 2008
South Coast

Just after 09.00 hrs and it's cold (2 Celcius) but sunny and promises to be a beautiful day for a walk. I headed for the Downs which overlook the river where I live, up through the village and out onto the track..
The sunshine is deceiving, a closer look shows what lurks in the shadows..:)

Looking West towards the distant West Sussex-Hampshire border

And East towards the Kent border.

Once on the high Downs the walking is easy, but the distances are deceiving and horizons tend to be a long way away but no problem on a day like today.

Nearly Midday and brew time in the sunny shelter of a gorse thicket. Even in December the Gorse is in flower and the smell is a reminder of summer days to come..

Brew finished and I stopped to watch these young folk throwing themselves into the cold North wind which swept up the escarpment from the Weald below.

This late in the year the sun doesn't get to the Northern slopes and winter grips the land, even on the finest days.

I headed down towards the river which winds it's way inland towards the County Town. Up this river in their longships the Saxons came and settled the river valley.
Later when the Christians finally converted them they built their churchs in the riverside villages. The church in the photo was on land the deeds of which show that it was once owned by Harold Godwinson..later King.

A site not uncommon on the Downs where I live is this....:D

One of the thousands of shells fired when the Downland was a vast training area during the War. If you look closely you can see the recess where the copper driving bands encircled the shell body. Now they make handy counter weights to close farm gates.

To link that photo with the post title...is this river bridge..

On a dark misty summer night a troop of Canadian tanks crossed the river as part of a night training exercise. Royal Engineers had thoughtfully laid a Bailey Bridge across the river just a couple of hundred metres to the North but in the blackout and swirling river mist the Canadians saw a bridge ...and drove their tanks across it..
Some distance away the Engineers were horrified when in the darkness the squeek and rattle of the tank tracks turned to a hollow rumble!!! They rushed to the opposite bank to be met by grinning Canadians whose only comment was they thought the bridge 'wobbled' as they drove across it..Not surprising really as the bridge's safe loading was about half of one tank..not a troop crossing nose to tail..:lmao:

A very short time later those same Canadians distinguished themselves by their fighting ability and courage when as part of Canadian 2nd Armoured Brigade they landed on Juno Beach on 'D' Day and fought their way inland to form a vital part of the first Allied Bridgehead in Normandy

In the 1960's I used to walk to the bridge with my young kids and we would look at the track scarred wooden 'kerbs' that remained after that night crossing. The photo shows the new wooden kerb replacements.

The river flows hard on the ebb and needs continuous work to maintain the banks, which even in the 21st Century is still carried out in the historic way. Stakes with Hazel wands woven through them and chalk boulders as back fill.


And now home on my boat and already the frost is forming on deck, but the woodstove is glowing and yet another brew is lined up..( And... that photo was taken on a much warmer day..in a different berth..:lmao:)

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
The downs are really the gods own country....I miss them dearly at times. Just to wander over a stile and see a barrow or hill fort...no-one else there. A truly stunning place.




Oct 19, 2008
South Coast
Your post made me smile Red, you're a fellow spirit..:)

cbr6fs answering your question will probably get me shouted at but the post is old now so perhaps no-one will mind a completely 'non bushy' post out of courtesy in reply to your question.

I'd spent nearly 10 years wandering in my old boat a steel Gaff Cutter, pictured here somewhere (ashamed to say can't remember exactly, but out your way..Attica coast I think)

I do remember wintering up in Kalamata that year.
I lost her on a reef when I got caught in a Tropical storm in the Bahamas, when bound for Florida from Puerto Rico. I always sail singlehanded but the good old US Coastguard helicopter found me in the darkness and plucked me from where I'd climbed onto the reef, battered but in on piece. :)

When I eventually got home I raided the kids inheritance and bought the best I could afford, my present boat. Here she is when I was replacing her rigging her in the boat yard.

She's a very fine seaboat, a credit to her designer and she's looked after me in some pretty grim weather on ocean crossings since 2007 when I bought her.
A few photos of better weather last voyage 2009-11
Lying to her anchor in Dartmouth bound for the West Country and later at Falmouth.

Fine weather and my bow wave escort of Atlantic Dolphins when sailing South for Portugal.

Safely at anchor in Portimao on the Portugese Algarve where I wintered before heading East into the Mediterranean again in 2010..........May 2010...Europe to port Africa to starboard..:D


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
She's absolutely gorgeous goodjob

Next time your over this way gimme a shout, sounds like you've got a fair few stories to tell over a couple of pints or Ouzos.


Oct 19, 2008
South Coast
I'll do that one day perhaps, but at present my Grandaughter is doing her Masters degree and my wallet is suffering mightily, so I'm confined to wandering ashore..:D :D


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.