5.11 Rush 72 rucksac

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
Now I'm the first to admit I have a problem...I can't resist buying new toys, and as it was my birthday at the same time as Tamarack (who have Zebra billies in stock again goodjob)celebrated their's last weekend...I just had to spend some money with them!:eek:

I've found that as I get "better" at this bushcraft lark, I take less & less gear out with me. I have gone from a Sabre 60 - 100, to a Sabre 75, to a Lowe Alpine Sting and now have managed to get myself down to a 45L bag...enter the 5.11 Rush 72:cool:

I won't bother with specs, as you can see them all, and a nice video review, by clicking the links below...


My first impression of this bag is good, but as in the past I have always used top loading bags, I did find it odd to pack...but I'm sure I'll get used to it.:rolleyes:

Organising your gear is dead easy with this bag, as the rear compartment has a multitude of handy pockets and clips...

I have put in here:
  • 1 FFD in the zip up mesh pocket
  • FAK and folding saw in the front left hand pocket
  • "baccy" tinder pouch and leather pouch with flint and steel in the front right hand pocket
  • Meths bottle from a SA Trangia in the back left pocket
  • Dems tin with various kindling and fire lighting bits & BG Bushcrafter in the back right hand pocket
  • Ferro rod attached to the clip and tucked into the pen pockets
  • oaty snack bars and drink powder sachets in the mesh zip up pocket

The rear organisor compartment fold forward to reveal a handy "stash" area for things that you need to get at quickly, like water proofs...

The main compartment is full of handy pockets too, and simply swallows gear...

I sample packed this with:
  • a summer weight down bag (orange dry bag)
  • nomads land hammock complete with webbing and krabs (yellow dry bag)
  • Mozzy net

In the pockets you can see a boil in the bag "meal" and more oaty bars and drinks sachets

You can also see the contents of the full length side pockets, which are a lot bigger than they look.
  • In the left pocket I have put a DD tarp XL and all the rigging lines and pegs.
  • In the right is a Guyot water bottle, Ti mug (with DX stove and fold a mug packed inside)

When you look inside the side pockets, there are 2 slip type pockets inside them, which further helps to organise your gear...

I only collected the bag today, but will be giving it a thorough test over the coming weeks, as I'm on 2, week long residentials with school in the next few weeks:cool: (I love my job!)

I'll let you know how I get on with it when I get back from the first week.

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Apr 11, 2010
Great call i have the 24 which i use for overnighters hammock camping and the new rsuh 5,11 12 for my day/edc bag,had the 24 two years now built like a tank ,never knew that the 72 had that flip front


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
As promised, part 2...

I was away last week for 5 days with some of my kids from school on an Outreach project, hosted by the Army Cadet Force.

I used the bag as a (large) daysac every day carrying a mixed, light, load. In this role it was a little on the large side for my needs as the weather was fine and I had no reason to carry spare warm, dry, clothing etc. On one of the days, we went for a 16km walk around the Yorkshire Dales and the pack was carried for 5 or so hours with ease.

We also had an overnighter on one of the training areas, and for this I took a typical bushy load out. In this role, the bag came into its own, keeping my gear organised and to hand when it was needed.

The pack drew a lot of attention from the military types in the ACF, with a few of them trying it on "for size" and then rummaging through it amazed at the multitude of little pockets, with the ability to organise kit.:cool: One or too of them are considering buying one too (in green of course!)

So, after week 1 would I recommend it to a friend...a resounding "Yes".:D

Next test is a week of caving, canoeing and gorge walking....have I said that I love my job?



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