2ltr water bladder cheap/free

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colapsable bladders are handy to carry empty and use at a camp site but can be expensive hers one thats free and oks you may have to change teh bits every now and again but its free :D
take one 2ltr lemonade bottle or similer and the drinking top of a smaller bottle (same a the one Platypus charge £5 for 2 :eek: ) and you have a large drinking bottle then a bit of cord and a Jug knot for a loop handle


roll it up and secure with the loop handle for stowing

Jan 8, 2007
That's a cool idea, I like the idea of recycling an old soda bottle. One question though, how did you get the bottom to collapse and roll up?? The coke bottles that I keep seem too rigid to do that with.
That's a cool idea, I like the idea of recycling an old soda bottle. One question though, how did you get the bottom to collapse and roll up?? The coke bottles that I keep seem too rigid to do that with.

most 2 ltr will do it easly (not the 1.5 shaped coke etc)

just open the top squeeze/pinch the bottom just above the bas and roll it up around the base
then redo the top THis is also the easiest way to pack more into a recycleing bin
just open the top enough to let the air out or if you fit the drink valve pull it open




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