edc knife

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  1. big_swede

    EDC folders for slaughter, disembowelment and skinning of livestock (!)

    Disclaimer: This is going to be a long post. It´s also the first post for me in quite some time so I have a huge back log of stuff I want to say. Sorry! Also, I'm not a native english speaker. Introduction: Just the other day it was finally time for that terrible but also fulfilling (and larder...
  2. Johnjoyce

    Show me your faithful EDC

  3. MLL Knives

    EDC "Scout" - MLL Knives

    Hello everyone, I have a new set of "Scout" to sell, is a new series of 12 knives, have the blades with the heat treatment you can choose different types of finish, brushed steel, forged steel, dark oxide or epoxy coated finish. Specifications: "O1" steel, Smooth Convex Grind (the best...
  4. Samon

    Friction folders!

    Yep, friction folders! Old fashioned, practical, attractive and soo cool! :D So, let's see what you got! This is my walnut handled svord peasant knife (my late svord knife..), very good knife and great quality steel made much better with tough pretty scales made by Hillbill! I'd like to...
  5. Samon

    A lovely gift from Magentus! + pic's

    A few weeks ago I asked about a genuine British army pocket knife, the one without the marlin spike or lock. I had looked around for some time to try and find one but they all seemed to have locking blades and/or spikes. After asking about them on...
  6. Samon

    Marbles sunfish stag bone knife, any thoughts on this one?

    I was having a look around for a 'classic' looking edc knife and came across this one by marbles. http://www.heinnie.com/product.asp?P...History=basket At first it looks a bit silly and fat..(chode!) but it's actually quite large and hefty, I did a youtube search and found one video but...