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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. 0121nelly

    Can't wait to get out this year, overnighter in Feb maybe

    Can't wait to get out this year, overnighter in Feb maybe
  2. 0121nelly

    Lords Wood meet 17-19 December 2021

    Hi all is the meet still going ahead ( I hope so need some outdoor time ) and are we still having the group meal just like to know what is going on Best wishes Neil
  3. 0121nelly

    are ridgeline monsoon classic smocks any good

    Hi does anyone know if this ridgeline monsoon classic smock is any good it looks ok, but i would like to know from someone who owns one and how is the sizing because different sites say different sizes so if anyone can help that would be great thanks
  4. 0121nelly

    Hi everyone, new to bushcraft uk!

    hi Joel welcome to bcuk, im sure you will be made welcome i was, you should find a wealth if information on here and tips from some very friendly people good luck with everything you want to do in life
  5. 0121nelly

    An American Outdoorsman moving to the UK!

    Hello to you and your partner welcome to bcuk lots of advice on here and knowledge just be careful about where you set up camp as its not the same as the states. If you go to scotland you can set up camp and wild camp virtually anywhere its beautiful in the highlands but very rugged
  6. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    hi madriverrob yes i will do thanks bet it beautiful up by you
  7. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    hi sara r i have always wanted to walk the costal path around wales especially around pembrokeshire i was told the views are beautiful, maybe one day i will go and spend 3 or 4 days walking along the costal path and wild camp if i can.
  8. 0121nelly

    Buchcrafters near me?

    Hi hodge Thanks for the message hope your well, your not to far from me, where and when is the car boot I would like to go and have a look around and hopefully see you at the next Lords wood meet keep safe
  9. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    Hi again Nice part of Wales your from if I'm correct not to far from the breacons it's lovely around there
  10. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    Hi Sara r Thanks for your kind welcome I just love being outdoors since leaving the army I have never worked indoors always outside don't think I could work indoors
  11. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    Hi Jimbo yes your not far from me and I will be at the next Lords wood meet, do you know if their is any woods around where we live where the farmer will let us use I might go out walking tomorrow and ask a few farmers who are close to me if we could use their woodland for overnighter and...
  12. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    hi toddy sounds good to me cant wait either
  13. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    hello John thanks for the message hope you are good, nice part of the country your from, bet there is some nice places to go out and wild camp and practice some skills take care and stay safe
  14. 0121nelly

    Lords Wood meet 17-19 December 2021

    this sounds great i would love to come along and help out clearing up and learning new stuff where about in warwickshire is it im in rubery but can travel, what tools would you like me to bring how do i add my name to the list sorry but im not very good on a computer or with technology i could...
  15. 0121nelly

    Lords Wood meet 17-19 December 2021

    this sounds great i would love to come along and help out clearing up and learning new stuff where about in warwickshire is it im in rubery but can travel, what tools would you like me to bring
  16. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    thank you i look forward to getting to know you all
  17. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    Thanks just can't wait to get out again
  18. 0121nelly

    BcUK Photograph of 2021 October Heat Winner

    Hi woodspirits I was given your name by muddy boots he told me you do bushcraft groups, I'm fed up of going out on my own and am looking for people to go out with to wild camp anywhere we can and practice some bush craft skills I hope you will contact me back with some details, take care
  19. 0121nelly

    Buchcrafters near me?

    Thanks for getting back to me much appreciated
  20. 0121nelly

    Hello everyone

    Hi Everyone I'm new to this site so please be patient while I get my bearings, I'm into bushcraft in a big way and love to wild camp anywhere I can and practice bushcraft skills, I'm ex army and just love being outdoors in any weather it helps my mental health so much as I've been struggling...