Search results

  1. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    Thanks for everyone's responses , they have been very helpful! After researching the types of knives out there , It seems you can have 10 or one that will suffice! I would like to get a Mora , seems after everyone's suggestions bar a couple this will be the best. I have found a bargain Mora...
  2. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    ok great thanks for the info!
  3. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    Well i assumed that a full tang from my research was a knife that is indeed all one material so metal.... no plastic handle.... sweaty hands equals slipping? possibly!
  4. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    no i havnt actually!! good point indeed! will need to check on that! but if i am going with a trained crew for two days somewhere remote... but yes i will check and maybe that will narrow my search!
  5. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    ok maybe you could narrow it down from a 'nice knife' if you dont suggest a mora?
  6. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    Ok so what exactly is your suggestion? maybe narrow it down from a 'nice knife'....
  7. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    ok thanks alot for your suggestion , that helps me narrow my search! i will check out the Mora knives! any brand you can suggest?
  8. D

    The right bushcraft knife!

    Hey folks So i am planning my first bush craft adventure weekend in Ireland in woodlands. And I have slowly been ticking things off my list to buy for my trip. I have always enjoyed camping so I am sure I will love it. Been wanting to do it for ages. Will start on my home turf first and get the...