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  1. P

    Pump Drill upgrade.

    I have a pump drill that I ordered from someone off the internet but I noticed a big problem for me was the little piece of spindle was tied in with sinew & required some delicate knot tying which I promptly screwed up resulting in me breaking the spindle so I upgraded it with a keyless chuck...
  2. P

    Fire Pistons Vs. Flint & Steel

    Hi all, I don't get to post much but I wanted to get everyones opinion of what they prefer of these two types of fire making devices? I know there is another thread that has a poll but I think that the poll is too broad in scope because alot of people have only tried matches etc. so that is...
  3. P

    Fire/Pump Drill Upgrade

    Hi all, I just wanted to share with you all something I did to my pump drill that has made it alot easier to use. I bought a Fire Pump Drill on the net & it had a neat little cutout on the bottom with a piece of mullein held in place by some sinew. well that lasted for almost one coal &...
  4. P

    New Handcarved Firepiston with Tinder Keep.

    Hi All, I am brand new to this forum & just wanted to rave (Brag) a little about the most beautiful water buffalo horn piston I have ever seen made for me by Firemaker on this forum or Darrel. dare37 on Ebay. Yes like most of you I got my first piston from Jeff Wagner & a fine piston it is I...