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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Ogri the trog

    VC Works knives

    I have a couple of Rhys's blades - and they stand shoulder to shoulder with any other in my (ahem, growing) collection of users. I'd be willing to bet that he'd be happy to discuss any personal twists that you'd like to add as well. ATB Ogri the trog
  2. Ogri the trog

    Wool blanket or synthetic fleece blanket

    Same as Nice65 - I'm pretty Anti-fleece now - irrespective of temperatures and humidity, it always feels sweaty and clammy and doesn't take long to develop that "lived-in" smell. Wool on the other hand, I find to be warm without any claminess, retains that warmth with a thinner layer and as...
  3. Ogri the trog

    Can anyone give me some wood turning lathe advice?

    I bought my lathe about 20 years ago from a fellow who had done the "Country Show" circuit and was packing it all in - I met him at a few shows and made an offer for his lathe and a few tools to get me started. I can't remember how much I gave him, though it was something like £100 rather than...
  4. Ogri the trog

    Nic Westerman's Sharpening Discussion

    I present for your attention a video discussion of sharpening techniques with Nic Westerman. Enjoy Ogri the trog
  5. Ogri the trog

    How cranked is too cranked?

    To me, a spoon has to fit into three spaces - your hand, your bowl and your mouth! That's about it - if it does all that, it's a spoon. Just because yours is a different shape to some others - it still fits that criteria and carries a beauty all of its own! ATB Ogri the trog
  6. Ogri the trog

    Is There a Foraging Book That's Divided into Months or Seasons?

    Collins gem "Food for free" by Richard Mabey is probably the most popular. Not everything listed will grow in your area and the seasonal variation may not match the books predictions - but it is a good place to start. ATB Ogri the trog
  7. Ogri the trog

    Tarpology Knots

    As another "Bushmoot Knot Demonstrator" stripping away the Photobucket links from the original posts still leaves a lot of good information and by using the knot names in "Youtube" and "Gregs Animated" examples should be plain enough. However, like Chris mentions, the exact versions are...
  8. Ogri the trog

    Bore Da,cyfarchion o Cymru, Hello!, Greetings from Wales

    Sara, for the sake of decorum and not forcing a new member into breaking forum rules, a quick google search should return a result using the name that I used earlier! ATB Ogri the trog
  9. Ogri the trog

    Bore Da,cyfarchion o Cymru, Hello!, Greetings from Wales

    Dare I say an "Epic" welcome! Enjoy your time here Ogri the trog
  10. Ogri the trog

    Diagnosis? Something in the woods

    If that was a reaction to washing powder, I would have expected to see more redness in your underarms where the skin is thinner & more sensitive or over the shoulders where rucksack straps might be causing initial irritation. Hence I would agree with bites or reactions to stinging hairs of some...
  11. Ogri the trog


    The part I find funny will is imagining the pronunciation of the village name from those not lucky enough to be from Wales.... "Eglwyswrw" Have fun Ogri the trog
  12. Ogri the trog

    BushMoot 2017 - July 31st - August 12th

    It's not always as easy as planning this far ahead Reddave. A lot depends upon who (tutor-wise) turns up when and what the majority want to do - we certainly try to pack as much in as we can and the "Workshops" page of has a idea of how much that entails. If there is something...
  13. Ogri the trog

    Considering a more rural house......

    We made a similar move about 16 years ago, from Hampshire to rural Mid Wales. When we moved in, the house had a solid fuel Rayburn which provides hot water, electric cooking, oil-fired central heating, its own water supply and a septic tank. In the time we've been here, The Rayburn remains as...
  14. Ogri the trog

    Considering coming but practicalities of not having a car...

    Don't be put off Silkhi, If enough folk know what time you are due to arrive at the station, a lift to the site is a virtual certainty, just a little planning required. Mobile phone signal at the site is sketchy at best - so while you could call from the station, there is no guarantee that the...
  15. Ogri the trog

    Getting started w/bushcraft / camping essential equipment - not been camping for ages

    You just need to answer a few questions - some of which you already know. Then moderate the list you create with your mode of transport and room you have for the kit you want to take. What are you going to sleep "in" and "on" - and are you sure that it will be warm/waterproof etc. Watch a...
  16. Ogri the trog

    Phil I stien

    Welcome aboard Phil, See you in the summer! ATB Ogri the trog
  17. Ogri the trog

    Socks for your boots - layering?

    Two pairs unless you get specific socks... I teach and assess D of E groups and my advice is to wear two pairs - not your "common or garden", "run-of-the-mill" "five pairs for a fiver off the market" stuff either. There are a few manufacturers who make two layer socks or have "liner socks" as...
  18. Ogri the trog

    Spoon Carving with Scouts - where can I get a scorp for a reasonable price?

    Try contacting Rhys Harris of V C Works His scorps might fit within your price range - if you speak to him you can discuss your requirements and budget. ATB Ogri the trog
  19. Ogri the trog

    Moka Express and My Trangia's

    Hi MS, Your link goes to the front page of a closed group Ogri the trog
  20. Ogri the trog

    Hi all from newtown powys

    Oops, meant to add... When it boils down to it, most of the kit we buy is unnecessary, so there's no need to break the bank to accumulate new kit, use what you have, can adapt, make yourself or trade for. Keep an eye on the "for sale" sections as bargains come up regularly and only after that...