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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Ogri the trog

    Mid-Wales and the Borders Inaugural Bush Camp 2020 - Important Update

    Hey Greg/Davy569 - Tall Trees put the above quote on the first page - I don't want to spoil your fun as you may be able to paddle elsewhere, but the Clywedog is not possible at this time. I will admit to a family tie with the sailing club - my daughter is a member - and I think it would be...
  2. Ogri the trog

    Mid-Wales and the Borders Inaugural Bush Camp 2020 - Important Update

    14th/15th September 1.Broch - Camping 2.Greg & Alison - Camping 3. BJJ - Camping 4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day) 23rd/24th October Broch - Camping cipherdias - camping OneLifeOverland Camping* BJJ -Camping Soldierpmr - camping Ogri the Trog - camping Clearing up the...
  3. Ogri the trog

    Should have been today...

    It'll take another year to find out for sure - but I wonder if this can be the year when I break the habit of taking way to much stuff! Of course, it could equally be the year when I decide that my truck is too small! Stiff upper lips everyone, we'll be back in the woods soon!
  4. Ogri the trog

    Mid-Wales and the Borders Inaugural Bush Camp 2020 - Important Update

    * I can only commit to the weekend option, and even then, may have to cry off at short notice due to a growing project in work - but it is quite local so I can get along for a few hours if that's all I can manage. It'll be good to get to know some local members.
  5. Ogri the trog

    Rustic Shave Horse Tutorial

    A recent Youtube offering from James Townsend & son - many of their videos are about historic cooking, but this one is making a riven shave horse and is worthy of being shared among the forum.
  6. Ogri the trog

    Most popular/successful Fire lighting in the UK

    For my take on this topic - to get a fire lit in Blighty's damp conditions is to have options; Flint & steel works well, ferro rods are great, matches - if you can keep them dry, a lighter if needs be and a magnifying glass for those lucky times. Also carry a few cotton wool & vaseline balls...
  7. Ogri the trog

    eny one in the oswestry an north wales area

    Which is where I work!
  8. Ogri the trog

    Autumn Moot / Winter Moot

    Tim, On behalf of the team; It would be great to be able to say that the Autumn & Winter Moots will be going ahead as normal and we can all look forward to catching up with the friends that we are going to miss in the summer. However, as we have seen in the recent past, we need a number of...
  9. Ogri the trog

    Moot 2020 Is it or is it not

    If you need a hand with that Cap'n - just say the word... ... Just say, anytime... ...Whenever you're ready... :)
  10. Ogri the trog

    Best KFS set

    Swedish Army set is my current favorite -...
  11. Ogri the trog

    Guess why this is (probably unique)?

    By the looks of the tree to the right, I reckon it is because it was both being in a hammock and sleeping on the ground!
  12. Ogri the trog

    Outhaus Palmerston Swag - Factory Seconds Outhaus have some factory seconds of their "Palmerston Swag" available. From reading elsewhere, there are 2 issues; First is a seam that is not fully waterproofed Second is an eyelet that needs to be moved to allow the poles to be used correctly...
  13. Ogri the trog

    Holistic Homestead Energy Systems.

    I read a few books and did the standard Youtube research to get the basic principle, but made it out of what was to hand - main body was from 2" galvanized iron gas pipe, with a few bits bodged to fit, made my own leaf spring and plate valve, used a stainless steel filter housing as the riser /...
  14. Ogri the trog

    Holistic Homestead Energy Systems.

    Ram pumps - I built one about 15-ish years ago and it still sits in the stream bed on the edge of our land. Built from scrap that was being thrown away from a place I worked, it take its in-feed through a 1 inch iron pipe at about 6 feet head pressure - and can pull about a ton of water per 24...
  15. Ogri the trog

    For Sale Two Dogs Bush Shirt

    Thank you TDA, I hope you find something suitable soon. With thanks.
  16. Ogri the trog

    For Sale Two Dogs Bush Shirt

    Second dibs if TDA doesn't want it please. PM to follow
  17. Ogri the trog

    Paleo Meal Pack - Homemade Cheap

    Seems like the sort of place where someone might know where to buy a reasonable pemmican - all I can find so far are recipes to make my own. That might become the case in the future but for now, I'm looking to buy. UK based if possible. Any ideas?
  18. Ogri the trog

    eny one in the oswestry an north wales area

    Foothills of the Cambrian Mountains - Llanidloes here.
  19. Ogri the trog

    Merry Christmas all

    Wishing Peace and Tranquility to everyone.
  20. Ogri the trog

    For Sale Loden wool cloak

    G'nnnnnn I could have got by on one kidney right! Probably just as well I didn't see this earlier!