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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. mark.177

    Custom Knife makers, are there any left?

    being purely a custom knife maker you just wouldnt get anything done. the amount of time taken answering messages back and forth with design specs and materials and finding said materials... time much better spent developing your own designs and actually making them. personally would have far...
  2. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    good job on that handle samon :) i may try it on one of the hd's as bought two
  3. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    very comfortable handle on the ok4 just slightly smaller than the hd. the ok4 and ok1 have a finer edge. not a true scandi though as have a small secondary bevel. the ok1 has the same handle as the hd but the blade of the ok4
  4. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    also the ok4 has a finer edge with a smaller secondary bevel which is better for carving, the heavy duty has a thicker edge with larger secondary bevel, a little more robust. the heavy duty blade is 1 or 2mm longer, both are are 3mm thick. the ok4 has a flatter spine so better at chucking sparks
  5. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    i like them both, have ordered a few more to try, hultafors OK1, mora robust and a mora kansbol... all the cheapies the ok4 has a smaller handle than the heavy duty and the ok1 has the same blade as the ok4 but handle of the heavy duty but a darker green. i have quite large hands so prefer the...
  6. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    after a little more research i believe the steel is japanese SK5
  7. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    Japanese high carbon steel, hardness between 58-60hrc
  8. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    i bought two of the heavy duty knives so i could test one thoroughly. has a large secondary bevel but cuts well enough. has a larger handle than the OK4 but both are comfortable. i think the only thing id change is the sheath maybe a kydex jobby and square off the spine. sound silly i know, i...
  9. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    ... complete kit brand new for £70
  10. mark.177

    Hultafors heavy duty and OK4

    im just amazed!... what you can buy for the cost of a set of scales! i saw these and just could not resist seeing what £7 buys you?, a Hultafors heavy duty knife and out of curiosity also the OK4 with fire steel for under £16 i need to do some testing but first impressions i cant really fault...
  11. mark.177

    Sold forged scandi

    Thanks, NOW SOLD. cant edit the prefix?
  12. mark.177

    Sold forged scandi

    having a clear out! and have this discounted scrap forged scandi in o1 carbon steel, with hickory handle and brass fittings with white g10 spacers. was a bit of a learning experience with this type of handle so had a practice with cheap wood hence discounted price blade thickness 3mm, blade...
  13. mark.177

    Hi Tiley, thanks. i have a couple puukko knives available but they still need sheaths. i have...

    Hi Tiley, thanks. i have a couple puukko knives available but they still need sheaths. i have some leather ordered.
  14. mark.177

    Sold Puukko

    thanks, its now sold
  15. mark.177

    another puukko

    thanks, i dont like too much belly in a handle, i find it becomes uncomfortable after a while. i prefer the subtle curve it has
  16. mark.177

    another puukko

    just finishing this one, needs a little more work on the handle. trying to get a little more adventurous with the handles but its hard to tell how they'll turn out till you finish them, plenty of ideas for the next though. again the blade is 52100 bearing steel and handle is thuya burl. tried to...
  17. mark.177

    Sold Puukko

    thanks, really need to sell this to move forward, have dropped the price to £160 posted
  18. mark.177

    Sold Puukko

    recently finished full tang Puukko with scandi edge in 3mm o1 forge finish on blade. handle is bone paper micarta with natural tan canvas micarta liners held with brass/stainless loveless bolts has a nice full handle, simple but comfortable in prolonged use complete with leather sheath asking...
  19. mark.177

    Puukko in 52100 just finished

    thanks, danish oil on the wood, i think its Thuya burl?