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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. sandsnakes

    Woodland Burial

    You got it right Spandit. Hamptoncourt they buried an ox and then put a vine on top, its still growing, I am sure Cardinal Wolsey would be most proud of his work!
  2. sandsnakes

    returning to the fold.

    Hi Neil, welcome back to land of the weird and know it makes sense! Sandsnakes
  3. sandsnakes

    First night out and some kit decisions

    One thing about space blanket, if you wrap it round you its dam noisy!!!! its like being in a crisp packet! Sounds like you did most things right and now have the bug, better knife and more of them;) Sandsnakes
  4. sandsnakes

    Stupid alert: Spyderco Bug lost to an airport security waste bin

    I fly about once a monnth. I found I had left my tanto folder on the keyring. So threw my keys in a my rucksack with phone, charger, loose change, basically anything metal in the one pocket. Sailed through customs going and coming back. So pretty much its the luck of the draw and possibly...
  5. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    Santaman, unfortunatly the stats are screwed about fat cv risk and etc. High cholesterol is not a health problem rather the reverse if your over 50 and dont have an elevated level the stats clearly show a very much higher risk of other degenerative diseases. The surgeon generals reports...
  6. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    Yep got it one !
  7. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    Rather ironically the low fat issue/high fat issue does not apply. People with lower than normal cholesterol levels are statistically more prone to strokes. There is no conclusive evidence that high cholesterol levels cause cardiovascular disease either. Low fat diets have been indicated in...
  8. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    Swallow old chap. A real paleo diet would probably include about a cupful of hard fought for roots and other carbs a day of which about 30% would be inedible fibre, nuts, seeds berries when in season. When you are compeating against the birds, the season will be very short. . A properly...
  9. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    wednesdays are my military fitness classes... but I may be able to a shift around. so I am good for either.
  10. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    The Paleo diet is not a new concept, it has been with us in published form from1863, the high protein low carb diet was inspired by William Banting (c. December 1796 – 16 March 1878), was a formerly obese English undertaker who was the first to popularise a weight loss diet based on limiting...
  11. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    if your interested resource for all things diabetic related
  12. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    type two can go, type one stabilises. Lots of studies in pubmed
  13. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    Mountainm I had to study the stats when a student. Most of them are not online yet the figures of 'sewage related deaths' were pretty appaling even in the USA outback were 'cess/sanitary pits' contaminated local water table. Leaving it on the ground with a cat scrape is far have...
  14. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    As has been pointed out we as Homo Sapiens are the sum total of many differing strains of 'human'. We are basically a genetic mongrel, all dogs are dogs some are genetically 97% wolf, others are in the 40%. Neanderthals are a very small part of your genetic make up, though in there own time...
  15. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    Did I advocte fad diets? Dont think so, what is well documented is a lean protien diet high in omegas 3/6 ration not 6/3. Low refined foods etc etc. It was observed by one early dietary researcher that 'the first thing man did when he learned to walk upright was to brew alcohol so he could get...
  16. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    Findings in fires, what was discarded, shards of bone etc, etc. What is now eaten by people in similar physical environments etc. Thing you cant find is wooden tools which were crucial, as when they broke they burnt them. Had a very interesting 3 hour conversation with a chap who does this for...
  17. sandsnakes

    sleeping bag help

    Millets Eurohike do a down bag, I use it all year round. Proved to be better than my Berghaus. Its a very reasonable price as well. D500 Featuring a boxed-construction, this season 4 sleeping bag by Eurohike is high in warmth and comfort and its down fill insulation makes this an ideal...
  18. sandsnakes

    Neanderthal diet

    What also never comes to light is that there is archeological evidence to suggest many strands of humanity have evolved and died out because of poor dietary practice. Genetically we are in effect the sum total of those strands that survived and crossbreed. What we are beginning to see is a...
  19. sandsnakes

    Legal issues uk

    Great info thanks Hawk
  20. sandsnakes

    DryTech foods Norway

    Thank you, I feel a credit card splash on the way!