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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Gluing hooks showing 5mm glue line and using 'craft' pva (in this case EVA but lets not go in to that!).
  2. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Illustrating hook turned over prior to gluing.
  3. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Front and back section. Final trim showing hook stub prior to folding over.
  4. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Single bifold laid on coloured bifold. Showing 5mm excess on left side, both folds are to the left. This is the rear section.
  5. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Make up of section showing 3 bifolds and pile of sections.
  6. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Section laid on Coloured bifold. folds to left side, the overlap is the 5mm hook which will be folded over and stuck down. Sauasages cant upload images. later chaps
  7. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Bookbinding tutorial 2 The BCUK pocket ledger Binders proverb ‘A hour in the press is worth a week under the hammer’ IMPORTANT LOOK AT IMAGES BEFORE YOU DO THIS Terminology The top edge of the book is called the head. The bottom edge of the book is called the tail. The front edge...
  8. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Can we do a head count of how many of you are going to have a go at this, its interesting to know the audience size as bookbinding usually gets so lttle discussion in the big wide world. Sandsnakes
  9. sandsnakes

    Book binding Leather, tools and kit. This is the link for Hewits who supply professional binders. CAUTION bookbinding leather is very different stuff to hide for tools and knives, softer more delicate and can mark more...
  10. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    two images of wallet/flap bindings These will will be basically what we will use for inspiration. Both 15C using the same concept of edge protection.
  11. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Bookbinding tutorial The BCUK pocket ledger What we will do is copy aspects of early medieval and Elizabethan binding. This will be a hybrid style to accommodate materials and lack of traditional bookbinding equipment. This kind of volume was originally made of vellum with parchment...
  12. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Chaps, As there is some interest I could do an online tutorial of a simple flexible ledger style volume with flap (optional) couple of clasps or buckles. If it is kept simple we could use 'bushcraft' type tools and no specialist kit. If you are up for it I could do it in weekly stages. So...
  13. sandsnakes

    Vege, vegan or carnivore

    By preference I eat Paleo with veg below 6% carb content. By life and social interaction what ever is put in front of me. I would say that the veggie/vegan diet must be managed well to keep up the levels of protien, but beyond that its jim dandy and has multipule benefits as do all non toxic diets.
  14. sandsnakes

    Word association game

  15. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Ahhhh capish! Thong binding with bone clasps do you? Soft style (Limp) so it can fit in a pocket and bend with a edge flap to keep it clean? I feel a moot class comming on! S
  16. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Ulp.... tutorial, that was 16 months work for about 6 people... I could do a tutorial on something simple but the Audubons...I am turning green as I think about! I need a glss of something Scottish now, I am having a fit of the vapours!. :yikes:
  17. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Charly, embosing is what bookbinders call 'finishing' as it is the very last task to be done. Every single letter is done by hand and the entire word is worked by 'eye'. So there is no type slug as you would use in mass production and printing. The title running down the spine (American...
  18. sandsnakes


    There is more to dying than death- LIVE Lama Shenpen Hookham Drew did, it is a testament to his life that we all feel his loss. S
  19. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Here is one i made a couple of years ago. Blue Chieftan Goat with Rose calf onlays, 22crt gold finishing, silk endpapers and hand sewn endbands, sitting in its own drop back box in matching blue, it is about A3 size.
  20. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Nice kit Singteck, French press and plough. If you are after kit equipment try Homewoodbound and Hewit & Son for leather, glue and brushes. Remember that binding leather is tanned in a very different way and is radically different to upholstery leather and hides. It is tanned so it can be wet...