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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. sandsnakes

    A Rare Find

    Its ex-forces so deserves to be treated with kindness. ;)
  2. sandsnakes

    Forest schools are a failure.

    A counter argument. Some of you will remember Rod of Green-School, now sadly in that great forest in the sky. I recall him working with children at a local school in Berkhampsted, he was given all of the 'socially challenged' children to teach. At the end of the term the staff thanked him, as...
  3. sandsnakes

    A Rare Find

    I recently acquired a Pattern 58 feather and down sleeping bag. Surplus made in 1980 by the Chelsea Quilt Company. For those not familiar with a 58 it is feather and down with a waterproof(ish) base, bit on the heavy side but is a wonder in cold weather camping. It folds closed with toggles and...
  4. sandsnakes

    How do warm blooded people cope

    Fine wool layers also use heat reflective foil (the kind they put behind radiators) placed under the inflatable mat or use 2 yoga mats with foil backing. Works wonders. If nothing else a wool blanket inside your bag. Wool is king!
  5. sandsnakes

    water bottles and water

    On my hip a stainless steel Canteen and 'crusader' mug. In my pack, this is where it gets interesting, a 2 litre Tescos thin bleach bottle. Washed out of course. Why? Because it has a handle, can be dipped in a stream and then have sterilization tablets added to it. Obviously precautions must...
  6. sandsnakes

    The time has come the Bushcrafter said.. Light weight rucksacks. Most of my kit is old and ex-military at the age of 70

    Most of my kit is old and ex-military. At the age of 70 (rapidly approaching) with one new hip, another on the horizon plus the possibility of the odd knee or two I am questioning and re-examining my kit choices. Looking for a true lightweight 80l rucksack that will not fall apart. What's out...
  7. sandsnakes

    Hot Flushes

    There are a few natural herbs the help in perimenopause and menopause, but! Find out if it is a natural female hormonal response first, not an infection, residual viral infection etc, etc.
  8. sandsnakes

    Glad to contribute. I remember my PhD studies with fond memories (not!). :)

    Glad to contribute. I remember my PhD studies with fond memories (not!). :)
  9. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    I am thinking maybe once, maybe twice a month. Like many lockdown played havoc with my social connections and fitness. so 2023 is the year of reconnection and getting out and doing things. :emoji_thumbsup:
  10. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    AS to being semiretired. The Pandemic pulled out and got me working again. With the passing of Rod i realise that our time for friends and joy of existence is so fleeting. Woods here I come. Doc
  11. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    Swallow what do you think, try again with meet ups in London. Same place? Doc
  12. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    Works a treat doesn't it! I recently introduced my son to keeping warm in extreme cold in an old stone farm house. 1 get wool blanket. 2 fold it in two length ways 3 Slide inside like an unzipped sleeping bag 4 Pull duvet over the top 5 RESULT-toast! Old military maxim. One underneath is worth...
  13. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    Wondering if this is still alive? Now I have semiretired I would like to reconnect with you all. Doc
  14. sandsnakes

    Word association game

  15. sandsnakes

    Swyn, Rod has died. I have placed a post in the group 'Doc' Roderick.

    Swyn, Rod has died. I have placed a post in the group 'Doc' Roderick.
  16. sandsnakes

    Roderick Anderson Boyle 'Buschcraft Rod'.

    Roderick Anderson Boyle 'Buschcraft Rod'. I do not know how to go about this so I will just shoot from the hip. I bring sad tidings to the group Rod, the founder of Green School, sadly passed away in January. It was both quick and peaceful and he had been walking his dog, sat down and had an...
  17. sandsnakes

    Back at it.

    Back at it.
  18. sandsnakes

    Loss of fat mass and lean mass

    Read Gary Taubes Good Calories: Bad Calories. He goes into depth about the utilisation of fat and ketosis. Bottom line is a ketogenic diet is more efficient and energy conserving than a glucogenic diet.
  19. sandsnakes

    Savlon vs Germolene vs Neosporin vs Chloramphenicol

    Iodine every time. Try 15% lugols solution. Drop it on cuts abrasions... it stings! It was the original antibiotic and taken orally in water (NOT NEAT ON TONGUE). It was also a recognised treatment for syphilis and other bacterial infections. You can also get a veterinary skin spray on...
  20. sandsnakes

    Book binding

    Ssssh! I have only just escaped!