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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. B

    Necker advice please

    Hi all, I'm looking for a wee knife as per the pic, I intend it for food prep mainly so was wondering if a full flat grind would be better? Also I'd like wood scales or antler to keep it more traditional looking rather than plastic etc which could be more associated with the food side. Can...
  2. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    yes i did!!!!!!
  3. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Ok peeps my offering is a plce pouch, good nick no rips etc
  4. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Yes please!!!!! To the SAK
  5. B

    Veg patch

    Following with interest
  6. B

    Our New Home

    I used to get woke by peacocks tapping on the glass but that is something else lol
  7. B

    First commsion on here finished

    That looks really good
  8. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Big box of tinder stuffs arrived today from macaroon. all is well, just wanted to add that during our Pm's it's obvious what a genuine all round good guy Mac is, cheers
  9. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Arrived today, all is well, just wanted to add that during our Pm's it's obvious what a genuine all round good guy Mac is, cheers
  10. B

    A scrap of O1....

    Oooo no. 9 Ithink?!
  11. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    All gone quiet again
  12. B

    Last two..

    Is it me or can I not see a price??
  13. B

    Last two..

    Now they are gorgeous!!
  14. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Got it Nick, thanks
  15. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Ok Peeps, my offering is a used but not abused campingaz Bluet micro stove, takes the twist n click canisters NOT screw on, unfortunately I can't include any gas as I can't send it thru post Cheers Andy
  16. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Can I take this lot? I can see hours of fun with as I can't get it all locally. I'll have a ponder on my offering if that's ok Andy
  17. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    My apologies I stand corrected 😀
  18. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    The hole punch I think?
  19. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    The Pouch arrived just what I needed, thank you
  20. B

    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Drop me a line with your details mate