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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Can’t see the pic Mike
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    wip bushcraft knife

    What’s the plan when you have it finished, is it already spoken for Mark?
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    Skin allergy, Buffalo pile

    My real sticking point I think will be when I just throw on my belay jacket as I’ve probably only got a T-shirt underneath- I can plan the silk into other activities I may dress for but as a casual thing..... I suppose that’s what get for using the buff for casual!!. I’ve actually had the...
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    Skin allergy, Buffalo pile

    I hadn’t thought of silk to be honest, have never worn it Thanks for the suggestion Mary
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    Skin allergy, Buffalo pile

    Hopefully in the right place! I’ve been using buffalo pertex and pile for around 25 years but in the last couple of years have developed psoriasis so I get rashes etc real easily. Have tried various washing powders/ tech wash etc but try as I might the pile now gives me awful ‘heat’ rashes...
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    Tilley windfall

    Tom I have to ask, is that a pair of LMG’s behind the lamps in that last pic? Awesome
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    Tilley windfall

    I only own one of them campinggas lanterns that takes the bayonet cartridge. I love the light from it over the battery/ led things. Similar to preferring the heat from the wood burning stove over the gas central heating - seeing these pics makes me think I should find me a Tilley. I’ve always...
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    SPAM and other foods - any hate? :)

    All of them!! Lidl have a version which is 1/2 the price of the real thing and very similar nutritional content- perhaps the wrong choice of wording but I mean has the same salt levels etc ( rather than even higher)
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    4 pounder to 2lb carving axe

    Have sent a pm!
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    4 pounder to 2lb carving axe

    That really is a piece of art, a thing of beauty! When are you taking orders?
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    Dartmoor Knife.

    Raging that I didn’t join the GB at the time, they are looking great guys
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    The 2018 collection

    That’s great John, thankyou for the reply
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    M77 Norwegian army boots

    Perfect, thanks
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    M77 Norwegian army boots

    Stupid question time but what’s the benefit of wool insoles- is it an easy to clean thing?
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    The 2018 collection

    Have to say John, you look fantastic, really well done on the weight loss- apart from the excercise, how has your diet changed? I need to loose 6st myself. The last 3 pics look like store bought clothing. I take it you rate ventile then?
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    The Ultimate "What is this Fungi?" thread.

    Thanks Broch and is as feared / suspected, I like the idea of cross referencing tho, makes sense to me. I just want to be able to identify a couple of edibles that I may find as I bimble, in a similar way as I would coming across brambles and berries. In a way to not be supermarket reliant if...
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    The Ultimate "What is this Fungi?" thread.

    To a complete fungi novice is there a consensus on publications to start with or any particular rules to follow on distinguishing if edible or not? Similar to if an animal is brightly colored then probably poisonous
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    M77 Norwegian army boots

    Great kit although I went to goretex Pro-Boots last time, I’d be happy with these
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    Fallkniven F1D cos re handle wip

    I thought was real impressive, the stacking on the handle about the guard etc, but then the butt cap pic where you show the hammer marks- my god that is gorgeous. The only thing that would make it look better in my eyes would be if there was a red dot makers mark on the blade - then you know...
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    Cherry Cookers

    I was just getting my wallet out before I realized this wasn’t a for sale thread- they are proper nice! And agree a ‘fork’ would make a great accompaniment, so would mini versions, you know for when you need small luxuries whilst in the field to keep the other half in a good mood!!