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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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    Mors' Diagrams from the bushmoot

    Good idea Dave. I didn't attend Mors's talks so didn't see these at the Moot. They're quite interesting.
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    New arrival Comp

    Congratulations mate, and well done to the missus :D
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    Tramontina machete(s) we go Some good items there. I can see my wallet getting a fright soon :D
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    Tramontina machete(s)

    Not yet mate, still looking. Bardster's shown me a very good site for machete's though; I think it's called 'shop4less' or something like that. I'll try to get the link he gave me...
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    Goodbye Bcuk

    Sorry people, but I'm off. I've gone and got myself a new flat but it doesn't have a phone line and I just found out I move in on saturday. So this is me saying goodbye. :( I'm not sure when, or if, I'll get back online but I'll try to pop in when I can. I can still be...
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    Hi mate, welcome to Bcuk. That's a very nice part of the country you live in, let us know if you find any good bushcraft sites. How about a few pics of your knife? :D
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    My Poor Axe

    Well, I guess we know my feelings on borrowing peoples tools ;)
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    New arrival Comp

    Good luck!
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    Nothing wrong with tents at all. They give you alot more freedom to wander off without being restricted to staying near suitable tarp/hammock trees. And they provide that all-important privacy at busy meets.
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    Sorry mate, I don't think I can suffer 5 minutes and one second of Duran Duran, even for a tentative Ray Mears connection. :rolleyes:
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    Bushmoot 2008

    Nah, it never gets rowdy. It's just... You know when you're all sitting round a fire, facing inward and it's pitch black around you and you kind of lose perspective of other things that are around because, even though you're in the open, you kind of feel 'enclosed'? Well it's very easy...
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    Tramontina machete(s)

    Of course you can ask :) The reason I've not considered a Martindale is because I am not looking for a Martindale, but am looking specifically for the 2 types of Tramontina featured in the pictures in the first post. Oh, and I have a No.2 golok already. ;)
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    Tramontina machete(s)

    You sir, are a very kind gentleman. Why is there no rep system on this site anymore? :rolleyes:
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    Bushmoot 2008

    Ahh... It appears The Cap'n has some competition this year. :D Perhaps a 'Norsey Corner' Wayland? ;)
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    Tramontina machete(s)

    Sorry Humpback, thanks for finding that for me but I forgot to say anywhere but ebay. :o
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    Tramontina machete(s)

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a good Tramontina stockist in the uk? I'm after a couple of their machetes but I've had a bit of a play with Google and can't find a uk stockist that sells the ones I'm looking for :( I'll see if I can get a pic of the ones I mean... EDIT: found...
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    Carrying knives in Scotland

    I wouldn't have thought it was anything to get worried about. I take it to mean that they are considering tougher sentences for those found breaking the law. They can't change the law and jail anyone found in possession of a knife as that would be massively impractical. Those of us who...
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    I get candles from there too. They do a pack of 4 'outdoor candles' with little metal holders. Tey burn quite well and last a good hour or two if kept out the wind. btw, Pom Bears rock :D :cool:
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    Knife making questions

    Be sure to show us how it turns out :cool:
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    Forestry commission land

    For god sake, don't get me started on the FC :rolleyes: