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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. mayfly

    FS: Exped Chair Kit

    Bump and price reduction: £..
  2. mayfly

    Hammock or ground dweller?

    Cheers Johan
  3. mayfly

    Another Coffee thread, Whats your's ?

    Good enough for me! :)
  4. mayfly

    Mick Spain woodie for sale .

    Bargain alert!!
  5. mayfly

    Hammock or ground dweller?

    Fair point on the 'both' option, how do I add one?
  6. mayfly

    Hammock or ground dweller?

    Why? I've been trying to make a hammock work, but I prefer the good old ground I think. Chris
  7. mayfly

    FS: Exped Chair Kit

    Withdrawn ...
  8. mayfly

    Another Coffee thread, Whats your's ?

    So Lurch, you must have had a hands-on play with lots of coffee making devices for use out and about - is the Aeropress still your favourite? Chris
  9. mayfly

    Real Beer, or Ale as it where...

    Someone mentioned Blandford Fly. Gets my vote too. Very interesting flavour. Definitely worth a try. Chris
  10. mayfly

    TRADE - Snugpak Special Forces Combo System Sleeping Bag ..

    i agree this should sell, top kit!
  11. mayfly

    FS Karrimor Sabre 45 Rucksack, Nanok sleeping bag, Snugpak under-blanket

    Compressed size is approx 10 x 7 x 7 inches. Here's a pic of it next to a Mora for scale. ... Weighed on Salter scales to be 2lbs 14.5oz.
  12. mayfly

    FS Karrimor Sabre 45 Rucksack, Nanok sleeping bag, Snugpak under-blanket

    I think the bag and the under blanket may have been a bit high, now reduced to £.. each
  13. mayfly

    Model 'T' Fire Piston

    Thought this tutorial was pretty cool! Linked on Lifehacker too. Chris
  14. mayfly

    Helle Temagami - Passaround

    I had the knife for a while, sent back to Xunil at his request after I finished with it. I didn't use it in anger at all as in the end as I just didn't have time. Took it out, had a play, packed it up and sent it on. Nice knife, well balanced, decent edge, I want one! Many thanks to Barry for...
  15. mayfly

    Bushcrafty books that also tell a gripping story........?

    Voyageur by Robert Twigger is great. I'd also like to second A Short Walk In The Hindu Kush by Eric Newby, a real classic. Chris
  16. mayfly

    If you ever wanted a Kifaru pack

    It is great kit but seriously over engineered and as a result very heavy for everyday use. A bit OTT for most of us. Which is not to say that is not an absolutely cracking deal - it is - I'd have snapped it up if I'd seen it sooner at that price! Well done!
  17. mayfly

    Lymes Disease symptoms - have I got it ?

    Hope it all gets sorted quick! Chris