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  1. B

    billhook experts heeeeeelp!

    The middle one is probably Austrian (possibly Italian) - the maker's mark looks more like that of an armourer than an edge tool maker - you may find out more by joining and posting on the Ethnograhic Weapons site at Viking Sword. This pattern of square blade with a raised back is found in the...
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    17th Century Billhooks?

    Hi Grendel, not sure if it was you who contacted me via my website - but replying for general interest: images of billhooks dating from 10th to 16th centuries can be in illuminated manuscripts and other documents from the period, stained glass windows and stone carvings. Sadly very few working...
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    The old handle is really nice - the heavy and thick ferrule indicates a replacement at some time in the past - I'd copy that rather than fit that nasty factory made one (probably made from hickory, not good English ash....)...
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  5. B

    Gilpin &Whitehouse billhook

    There were several firms in Cannock - William Whitehouse & Sons, Whitehouse Brothers, Gilpin and Whitehouse and W Gilpin - guess they were all interrelated at some time - all four made billhooks... The one shown looks like a thick nose Pontypool pattern (identical to the military billhook, but...
  6. B

    Billhooks & Hatchets ???

    Not all billhooks are big or heavy - smaller spar hooks have a 6" or 7" blade - billhooks start at 8" and go up to 12" - all have similar sized handle, either round or caulked, depending upon pattern (of which there are many). The US Woodman's Pal has a hand guard, which may help if you have...