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  1. M

    good news for me today

    This is something i have been thinking about ( a journal) after watching mcq on yt. Going into town later to look for one
  2. M

    good news for me today

    im hoping to get down there this week end providing my son is better, if not next week end and i will defo get the pics mat
  3. M

    good news for me today

    yeah im looking forward to the challenge couldnt believe it tbh, i was expecting either a no he cant or yes he can its 1/4 an acre lol, i best get learning some skills soon
  4. M

    good news for me today

    well had a great day today was talking to a cousins husband about trying to find some woodland to spend some time. he said i will ask me mum as she got a bit of land, well he was on the phone for 5 minutes and and she has given me permission to use her wood land all 32 acres of it :D:D...
  5. M

    Hi all Mat here from southampton

    thanks all
  6. M

    southampton to dartmoor

    Hi guys just wondered if anyone has camped at dartmoor forest? also does anyone know how to get there from southampton but no use of car, i was looking at coach but think they only go to plymouth cheers all mat
  7. M

    Hi all Mat here from southampton

    Hi guys while my interest in bushcraft and the great out doors isnt new, im only just starting to do any thing about it. for years ive been watching tv programmes and yt of people on wild camps and carvings etc, but as i said only now am i going to really start enjoying it. I may have got...