Recent content by Rocks

  1. R

    Foraging course

    Hi all, I am currently trying to teach myself some foraging skills, it's not going great. Is there any foraging course you could recommend? I am based in Aberdeen. Or even better, is there any of you guys local to me that could teach me? I'll stand you a pint or chop logs for you or something...
  2. R

    All the knives in the world wouldn't help.......

    I mind being in Afghanistan, and I cleared a piece of road the length of a football field of IEDs' (landmines). Doesn't matter how close you are to safety mate, if you are in trouble it might as well be a different planet. But you are ok, and you have learned from this. I chalk that up as a...
  3. R

    Native American fishing trap

    Hi guys, happy new year! Anybody tried the trap? any luck? thinking about giving it a bash, just need to find an are to do it in
  4. R

    Austrian Army wool jumper ?

    Any luck finding these tops? When I was in one of their camps a few years back, tried everything to get one, they wouldn't trade and I was never a thief so I resigned myself to never getting one. Should have bought one online. Any tips?
  5. R

    Hello from the mitten!

    Very cool scenery
  6. R


    Replied. Dunno if it worked though!
  7. R


    Tried but for some reason my PM doesn't work. Cheers for the welcome everybody.
  8. R


    Thanks for the welcomes guys!
  9. R


    Can't seem to be able to PM mate.
  10. R


    Hiya, I am Rocks, I am the new guy On here because I enjoy hiking miles with a backpack on ( I am Military) and I am looking to up my game in wilderness survival/bushcraft. I will probably be doing a course early next year. Be fun chatting to you all :)