Recent content by Ogri the trog

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Ogri the trog

    Where can I but a decent ferrorod striker?

    Hi Big Monster, not wanting to pour doubt over the previous replies, but there are plenty of tiny details to your question that will make a world of difference, depending on your intentions. From personal experience, I dislike hacksaw blade strikers as they tend to bite more material off than is...
  2. Ogri the trog

    Greetings from Singapore

    Hi taukelim, TzeMing, welcome aboard - been to SG a few times, can't wait to get back with the family!
  3. Ogri the trog

    2021 Summer BushMoot - 26 July - 7 August 2021

    There are some indications that the symptoms of Delta are changing - the most frequently reported indications are now more likely to be - Headache, runny nose, sore throat and sneezing. Loss of smell/taste and a new persistent cough - are becoming less common.
  4. Ogri the trog

    Hello from the USA

    Welcome aboard Dave, great to have you beside the virtual camp-fire!
  5. Ogri the trog

    Sold Wool Shirt for the Larger Gent.

    If Sanka pulls out, I'll have it!
  6. Ogri the trog

    A Tour of Varusteleka: Outdoor and Military Specialists

    Steve, what have you done? I can feel a stabbing pain in my wallet! Wins the photo comp hands down! Cheers
  7. Ogri the trog

    For Sale Arktis B110 Smock in Green 4XL New

    Interested Trojan, why is your friend wanting to sell? What condition is it in and do you have any photos of the actual item?
  8. Ogri the trog

    Waiting to flood

    I thought about you having to go through it again - I thought about calling but didn't in case you were busy bailing or lifting stuff. I've had water issues by proxy, had to do some mechanic-ing to our water pump which had worn out over the last twenty years since I replaced it last time...
  9. Ogri the trog

    Terava skrama

    I have both, had the 240 for a few years, but only recently bought the 200. They are both very capable tools - however, by simple virtue of the additional length and weight, the 240 is the better chopper - but it doesn't end there; the better chopper is also noticeably heavier to carry and...
  10. Ogri the trog

    Reattaching the soles on surplus German army boots?

    £74.95 (their standard costs for replacement soles and return postage) plus the cost of posting to them - so about £80 all in. I did also ask about them replacing an eyelet, but they didn't have any of the type that I wanted - that would have been an extra £10. They replaced the cushioned...
  11. Ogri the trog

    Reattaching the soles on surplus German army boots?

    Up until a fortnight ago, I'd have said Shoegoo too, However, since the cooler weather hit, I dug out an old pair of Lowa's on which the inner sole had sadly crumbled. I had always been told that they could never be repaired, but I gave these guys a call -
  12. Ogri the trog

    Mid-Wales and the Borders Bush Camp - 23rd - 25th October *** IMPORTANT NEWS ***

    Yup, smart move. The mountains will be there for a while yet, a little patience and it'll happen when it is good and ready!
  13. Ogri the trog

    Mid-Wales and the Borders Bush Camp - 23rd - 25th October *** IMPORTANT NEWS ***

    I still hope to make it, though I don't know what sleeping plans I'll use and I may have to pop back to Trog HQ at some point on Saturday. 1. Broch + 1 2. Ogri the trog 3. 4.
  14. Ogri the trog

    Sold Mastino / Endicotts Wool Bush Jacket - Even Further Reduced.

    Why have I not seen this before - PM inbound!